[July 16, 2018]

In this version, we’re releasing a few new features, most of which have been highly requested by our users.

Here’s the full changelog:

  • The optional keyword that our system looks for on your website, can now accept multiple words and special characters, allowing you to monitor more complex keywords, as opposed to before when this was limited to just one alphanumeric word. You can configure this in your Uptime Monitor settings:
  • You can now save private notes for each of your Uptime Monitors, which will make life so much easier when organizing and keeping track of everything that you’re monitoring.

For more info, please see our documentation: https://docs.hetrixtools.com/add-private-notes-to-your-uptime-monitors/  

  • You can now use some Markdown text formatting in your Public Status Page announcements, which will make it a lot easier to create a structure to the news or events that you are posting for your users. For more info, please read the following: https://docs.hetrixtools.com/markdown/  
  • The ‘API Key’ interface has been redesigned and it is now allowing you to have multiple API Keys in your account. This will be very useful if you wish to assign different API Keys to your applications, and with each API Key having its own counter you can easily see where your monthly API Calls are used the most.

Read full documentation article: https://docs.hetrixtools.com/api-key/  

If you encounter any issues with these new features, please open a support ticket on our website and let us know about it.