v0.9.70 – Changelog

[July 16, 2018] In this version, we’re releasing a few new features, most of which have been highly requested by our users. Here’s the full changelog: The optional keyword that our system looks for on your website, can now accept multiple words and special characters, allowing you to monitor more complex keywords, as opposed to […]

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What to do if my Uptime Monitor is down?

Once you get alerted by our platform that one of your Uptime Monitors is down, you should quickly begin to investigate what the issue that’s causing your downtime is. 1. Check the Location Fail Log A very good place to start would be to look in your monitor’s Location Fail Log: https://docs.hetrixtools.com/location-fail-log/ The Location Fail […]

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Debugging the issues which caused your downtime

Our support is sometimes asked general questions such as, “why was my website down?”, “other uptime monitors that I use didn’t detect my website to be down. Why did HetrixTools alert me?”, “I just checked my site and it loaded up. Why did I get notified that it is down?”, and so on and so […]

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Difference between Location Fail Log and Network Diagnostics

Both of these are diagnostics that will help you investigate and debug the issues that were causing your monitored target to be offline, but there’s a big difference in how our system collects the data for these two logs. In short, the Location Fail Log is collecting data the exact moment a monitoring location finds […]

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Location Fail Log

The Location Fail Log contains the exact errors our monitoring locations encountered when trying to access your monitored target. The entries here are logged at the exact moment when/if any of our locations encounter an issue trying to verify if your monitored target is Online. The errors in the Location Fail Log can provide all […]

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Network Diagnostics

When detecting an outage, our Uptime Monitoring system will save up Ping and MTR samples from every monitored location towards your monitored target. This way, if the outage was caused due to a network problem, you will have all the info you need in order to debug the issue or properly report it to your upstream provider. […]

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Show Monitored Target In Uptime Reports

You can choose whether or not to display your monitored target in the Uptime Reports. When adding or editing any Uptime Monitor, click on the “show advanced settings”: Now scroll down and locate the following setting: The default value will always be not to show your monitored website link, ip address, or hostname in your […]

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