Account Dashboard

As soon as you log into your HetrixTools account you’ll see your Dashboard, which contains a summary of your account at one glance. Let’s discuss the panels one at a time for a better understanding. The dashboard widgets: These are used to give you a quick idea of some of the very important aspects of […]

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Top Notifications

You’ll occasionally receive account notifications which are neatly stacked and displayed when you visit your account area. Opening the notifications will automatically mark them all as read. The notifications that are new (as in the ones you haven’t seen before) are marked with a different background color, compared to the older notifications which you’ve read […]

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Quick Whois Search

Available on all of the pages in your client area you’ll notice a small search box on the top menu. You can use this as a quick whois search in any situation. You’ll be taken to a page on our website where you can find the whois information regarding the IP address or hostname that […]

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Live Queue Status

The Live Queue Status widget can be found in your account dashboard and on the Blacklist Monitoring product page on our main website. This widget will always display the current status of our Blacklist Monitoring queue. You can easily notice how many blacklist monitors are currently being processed, and how many have been processed within the […]

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Live Detected Outages

The Live Detected Outages is a widget found on your dashboard and on the main website on the Uptime Monitoring product page. What this widget does is to display, in real time, all of the current outages which are detected by our system. This widget is not account specific, so it contains data from all of […]

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Say NO To Pageloads

Our interface is built to avoid unnecessary page loads, because we realize that our clients’ time is precious, and it should not be wasted by going through countless pages in order to get things done. One of the main goals when the HetrixTools project was started was to make the user interface as simple and as […]

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