What is Server Monitoring?

Using the HetrixTools Server Monitoring Agent you will be able to constantly monitor the resource usage of your VPS or dedicated server, and you can even set custom warning levels in order to get alerted if the resource usage gets too high. You will have everything neatly organized for each Server Monitoring Agent that you […]

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Install the HetrixTools Server Monitor Agent

As mentioned in the intro documentation article, the Server Monitor service is part of our Uptime Monitoring product, so before you can deploy your first Server Monitor Agent, you will need to have at least one Uptime Monitor in your HetrixTools account. Each Uptime Monitor can have one Server Monitor Agent attached to it. To […]

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Install the PHP version of the Server Monitoring Agent (on cPanel)

If you wish to monitor your server’s resources, but you do not have root access (i.e.: you’re on a shared web hosting plan), you can just use our PHP Server Monitoring Agent. The installation procedure is a bit more complex than our regular monitoring agent, but this guide will show you exactly what you’ve got […]

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Install the PHP version of the Server Monitoring Agent (on DirectAdmin)

In this guide we’ll describe how to install our PHP Server Monitoring Agent on your shared hosting environment that’s running on the DirectAdmin control panel. Step 1: Download the “hetrixtools_agent.php” file from GitHub and save it on your local computer. (a)Right-click on the link below, then select “Save Link As…”:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hetrixtools/agent-php/master/hetrixtools_agent.php Step 2: Upload the “hetrixtools_agent.php” […]

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Installing the Windows Server Monitoring Agent

You can find our Windows Agent on GitHub:https://github.com/hetrixtools/agent-win It’s written in Python, and it’s open source, so you can inspect its code. You can find the installation instructions on the releases page:https://github.com/hetrixtools/agent-win/releases*we’ll be writing a documentation article on the installing/uninstalling procedure once the final product is released The easiest way to get started would be […]

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Reinstall, Update, Remove The Server Monitor Agent

(1) Reinstall the Agent Start off by going to your Uptime Monitors page in your client area dashboard. Here, you will need to go to the action drop-down menu of the uptime monitor and select ‘Monitoring Agent Package’. A modal will open containing the installation code, which you’ll need to copy and run as ‘root’ […]

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Uninstall the HetrixTools Server Monitor Agent

You can access the ‘Reinstall/Uninstall’ instructions, at any time, either from the Uptime Monitor’s action drop-down menu: Or from the data graphs: Clicking any of these links will open the ‘Reinstall/Uninstall’ modal, and if you wish to proceed with the Uninstall, you’ll need to click the ‘Show Uninstall Instructions’ button: Doing so will reveal the […]

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What data does the Server Monitor Agent collect?

Our Server Monitor Agent is written in bash language. We’ve coded it as simple as possible, and made it easy to read and understand for anyone wanting to look into its source code. You can find and inspect it on GitHub: https://github.com/hetrixtools/agent To make a summary for those not interested in inspecting the code, here’s […]

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Resource Usage Privacy

By default, after installing an agent all data collected is private and you’ll only be able to see it from your Uptime Monitors list, as described in this article: https://docs.hetrixtools.com/accessing-server-monitoring-data/ However, you do have the option to make any of the collected data available in the Uptime Report belonging to the Uptime Monitor you’ve attached […]

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Reboot Required Warning

As you may very well know, linux servers sometimes require to be rebooted in order for updates to be installed and take full effect. Some distributions make the reboot requirement quite obvious by showing you a message like the one below when you’re logging into your server via SSH. Starting with version 1.5.6 of our […]

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