Error 0: keyword not found

Cause This error can be found in your Location Fail LogĀ for the website uptime monitors that you have configured keyword monitoring for and the specified keyword that you configured our system to look for is not found on the monitored target page. Our system will look for the specified keyword only in the HTML source […]

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HTTP Code [403] Error 0: (Xms)

Cause These errors can be encountered in your Location Fail Log for website uptime monitors when the monitored website is answering with a 403 Forbidden response towards our monitoring locations. This HTTP code basically means that the website is denying access for these web requests, so the website is not considered UP/healthy by our monitoring […]

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Error 28: Connection timed out after X milliseconds (Xms)

Similar errors Cause These errors can appear in your Location Fail Log when the monitored target fails to respond within the configured timeout time frame. For example: if your website uptime monitor has a configured timeout of 10 seconds, a timeout error happens if your website fails to load within 10 seconds. These errors are […]

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Error 7: Failed to connect to <target>: Connection refused

Similar errors Cause You can get this Uptime Monitoring error in your Location Fail Log if the monitored target is refusing to allow our uptime monitoring nodes to connect to it. This can be caused by any number of reasons, among which: Fix We recommend looking on your server or network to see what exactly is it […]

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Error 0: Name or service not known

Similar errors Cause You can get this Uptime Monitoring error in your Location Fail Log if the monitored hostname is not resolved properly. Our monitoring locations do not cache DNS results, so they perform fresh DNS queries on every new uptime check of your monitored target. Fix It is advised to check up on your nameservers to […]

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Error 92: HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR

You can get this Uptime Monitoring error in your Location Fail Log if your web server uses HTTP/2 and responds with a connection-specific header field. What is the issue? RFC 7540 indicates that the HTTP/2 response MUST NOT include connection-specific header fields, and if such headers exist, the response is considered malformed. How to find […]

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Error 35: error:0A000102:SSL routines::unsupported protocol

Cause You can get this Uptime Monitoring error in your Location Fail Log if your web server does not support any of the current SSL protocols. For instance, if your server only supports TLS 1.0 but does not support TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.3. This error gets triggered even if you’ve disabled “Verify SSL Certificate” […]

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