Now that you’ve added your first sub-account, and the invited member has finished signing up, you can start customizing their access levels.


This is extremely easy to do, just as easy as just clicking a button.


Let’s explain what each type of access level does, and what kind of access it grants for that particular sub-account:

  • Admin [be careful assigning this access level] – this access level grants full access to the master account. Any sub-account with this access level can do anything in the master account, just as if it were the account owner. This includes modifying access levels for other sub-accounts in the master account, and even closing down the master account. Does not receive billing related email notifications (unless ‘Billing’ access is selected).
  • Settings – the sub-account can modify the master account settings, except the following: cannot change name/email/password, cannot close down account.
  • Billing – the sub-account can view orders and invoices, can place new orders, can cancel recurring Stripe subscriptions, can cancel active orders, will receive billing related email notifications.
  • Tickets – the sub-account can open new tickets and view and reply to all tickets existing in the master account.
  • WhiteLabel – the sub-account can enable/disable/modify the white label settings in the master account.
  • Affiliate – can view the affiliate dashboard.
  • API View – can use the API Explorer, can view: API Keys, API Keys notes, API Keys Access.
  • API Edit – can add/edit/remove: API Keys, API Keys notes, API Keys Access.
  • Contact Lists View – can view all contact lists in the master account, cannot modify anything.
  • Contact Lists Edit – can add/edit/delete contact lists in the master account.
  • Blacklist Monitors View – can view all blacklist monitors in the master account, but cannot modify them.
  • Blacklist Monitors Edit – can add/edit/delete blacklist monitors in the master account.
  • Uptime Monitors View – can view all uptime monitors in the master account, but cannot modify them.
  • Uptime Monitors Edit – can add/edit/delete uptime monitors in the master account, set/modify warnings related to uptime monitors (i.e.: domain expiry warning).
  • Bulk Reports View – can view all bulk reports in the master account, but cannot modify them.
  • Bulk Reports Edit – can add/edit/delete bulk reports in the master account, can add/modify Announcements/Twitter/Passwords to bulk reports.

You can of course, assign one or more access levels to a single sub-account.

Worth mentioning: if you’re going to assign an “Edit” access level to a sub-account, make sure the corresponding “View” access level is also assigned, or else the sub-account will not be able to view the items it is supposed to be able to edit (i.e.: it’s useless if a sub-account can edit blacklist monitors, but cannot view them).
