API Keys

Accessing your API Keys To begin using our API, you’ll need to get an API Key. In order to do this, just access “API Keys” from the top menu in your client area. You’ll find your API Key right on the next page. Be sure to keep your API Keys private, and do not share […]

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API Explorer

You can access the API Explorer from your client area top menu: Our API Explorer has been designed to be as simple and easy to understand as possible. Begin by selecting an API Call that you wish to explore from the drop-down menu. The following 2 fields will be automatically filled in by our system. […]

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Blacklist Check API

API Call Names: v2 Blacklist Check IPv4 IP Address v2 Blacklist Check Domain/Hostname API Calls: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/blacklist-check/ipv4/<IP_ADDRESS>/ https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/blacklist-check/domain/<DOMAIN>/ If you haven’t already, you can give it a go in our API Explorer: https://hetrixtools.com/dashboard/api-explorer/ These API Calls will perform a blacklist check for one IPv4 IP address or domain/hostname, on-demand, when initiated. In the example below, we’re going […]

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API – Add Blacklist Monitor

API Call Name: v2 Add Blacklist Monitor API Call: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/blacklist/add/ Post Variables: target – the IP address (i.e.:, or IP range (i.e.: –, or IP block (i.e.:, or domain name (i.e.: mydomain.com) label – the label for the added monitor(s) contact – the contact list ID for the added monitor(s). You can […]

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API – Edit Blacklist Monitor

API Call Name: v2 Edit Blacklist Monitor API Call: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/blacklist/edit/ Post Variables: target – the IP address (i.e.:, or IP range (i.e.: –, or IP block (i.e.:, or domain name (i.e.: mydomain.com). label – the new label for the monitor(s). Can be left empty to remove the label from the targeted monitors. contact […]

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API – Delete Blacklist Monitor

API Call Name: v2 Delete Blacklist Monitor API Call: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/blacklist/delete/ Post Variables: target – the IP address (i.e.:, or IP range (i.e.: –, or IP block (i.e.:, or domain name (i.e.: mydomain.com). Sample PHP code to use this API Call: <?php $api_key = ‘YOURKEY’; // Replace with your API Key $target = […]

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API Uptime Monitor Maintenance Mode

API Call Name: v2 Uptime Maintenance Mode API Call: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/maintenance/<UPTIME_MONITOR_ID>/<MAINTENANCE_MODE>/ Understanding the variables: <API_TOKEN> – Your API Access Token. <UPTIME_MONITOR_ID> – You can find the ID of any of your Uptime Monitors by using the API Call ‘v1 List Uptime Monitors’. It is listed for every uptime monitor as ‘ID’. <MAINTENANCE_MODE> – The type of maintenance. Accepted values (numbers): 1, 2, […]

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v2 List Blacklist Monitors

API Call Name: v2 List Blacklist Monitors API Call: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/blacklist/monitors/<PAGE>/<PER_PAGE>/ Description: This API Call will list all of your Blacklist Monitors. Unlike its predecessor ‘v1 List Blacklist Monitors’ [deprecated], the ‘v2 List Blacklist Monitors’ API Call also includes the RBLs on which the monitors are blacklisted. Understanding the API Call variables: <API_TOKEN> – Your API Access Token. […]

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Blacklist Check Credits (also known as API Checks)

Blacklist Check Credits (also known as API Checks) are used for API Blacklist Check calls. You can read up how these API Calls work in the following documentation article: https://docs.hetrixtools.com/blacklist-check-api/ As explained in the article linked above, these API Calls will initiate a blacklist check on any IP address, on demand, then the results are cached […]

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