Enable Blacklist Monitor Plain Text Email Notifications

You can receive plain text email notifications for your blacklist monitors, if you wish to. Simply go to your Account Settings, under the blacklist monitor tab, like so: By default this setting is disabled, which means you are receiving HTML emails from your blacklist monitor notifications. However, if you enable this setting, you will receive […]

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Enable Uptime Monitor Plain Text Email Notifications

You can receive plain text email notifications for your uptime monitors, if you wish to. Simply go to your Account Settings, under the uptime monitor tab, like so: By default this setting is disabled, which means you are receiving HTML emails from your uptime monitor notifications. However, if you enable this setting, you will be receiving plain text […]

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Show monitor labels in your Blacklist Reports

Choose whether or not to display your blacklist monitor labels in your blacklist reports. You can modify this setting from your Account Settings, under the Blacklist Monitor tab. By default this setting is turned off, which means that your Blacklist Reports will only be showing your monitored IPs. If you enable this setting, then your […]

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Configuring your account’s timezone ensures that your reports and account time/dates will be converted into your own time. The default system timezone is GMT-4 (EDT), which is New York timezone. You can modify the timezone for your account from the Account Settings, under the Account tab: Now that you’ve set your own timzeone, you can observe […]

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Using Sub-Accounts you can invite your team members to join HetrixTools and have access to specific parts of your master account. In the following guide, the “master account” is referred to as the main account to which other sub-accounts get access to. This master account is the one which will host the monitors, contact lists, […]

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Sub-Accounts Access Levels

Now that you’ve added your first sub-account, and the invited member has finished signing up, you can start customizing their access levels. This is extremely easy to do, just as easy as just clicking a button. Let’s explain what each type of access level does, and what kind of access it grants for that particular […]

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Sub-Account – Switch Account

Every time a sub-account logs in, it will be logged directly into its master account. However, the team member can always switch back and forth to his own account, at any time, from the username drop-down menu. One click and the team member is in his own account now. Team member accounts will always be […]

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Uptime percentage calculation

Using this setting, you can configure how far back our system should look when calculating the Uptime Percentage displayed on your Public Uptime Status Page and on your public Uptime Reports. By default, this is set to “Overall”, which calculates the total uptime percentage based on the entire life of the monitors on your Public Status […]

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Dark Mode

Dark Mode will completely change your entire HetrixTools experience to a more darker theme color pallet, which for some, makes it much easier to work with. You can easily turn Dark Mode on or off from the button located in the top right corner of your HetrixTools dashboard: Once clicked, your entire HetrixTools dashboard/client area […]

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Inherit Password Protection

This setting can be located in your “Account Settings” under the “Status Pages” tab:https://hetrixtools.com/dashboard/account/settings/status-page/ If enabled, this setting will cause all your public Blacklist and Uptime reports to inherit the password protection from any password-protected Status Pages they belong to. So, when such a Blacklist/Uptime report is accessed via its direct public link, it will […]

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