Service Monitoring

Starting with the HetrixTools Agent v1.05, you can define up to 10 services to be constantly monitored by our agent on your server. To configure this in your Agent, please follow the instructions below, (a) or (b): a) Setting the services you wish to monitor during the HetrixTools Server Agent installation: b) Manually editing the […]

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Server Monitoring Resource Usage Webhook Notifications

In order to receive Server Monitoring Resource Usage webhook notifications, you will need to have the following: An Uptime Monitor which has a contact list with Webhooks enabled:– Attach a Server Monitor to this Uptime Monitor, and install the Server Agent on your VPS or Dedicated Server:– Configure resource usage warnings for this Server […]

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Why isn’t my network usage being collected?

The most common reason for this issue is that our install script could not determine your public network interface name during the installation. If this is the case, then the simple fix is to input the interface name manually into the agent file. To do so, please open the following file with your favourite text […]

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CloudLinux Data Collection Issues

Normally, the HetrixTools Server Agent is made to run under its own ‘hetrixtools’ username, but due to CloudLinux’s nature of isolating each user into their own private space, if you wish to deploy the agent on a CloudLinux environment, you will need to configure it to run as ‘root’ in order to properly gather the […]

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Run Server Monitor Agent As Root

By default, the Server Monitor Agent is run by its own user, called ‘hetrixtools’, but on certain systems you may need to run the agent as ‘root’ in order to be able to fully collect the needed data. To do so, simply check the box “Run agent as root?” when fetching the installation code from […]

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Enable Server Monitor Agent Debugging

Starting with agent version 1.03 logging is enabled by default, and you can find the log files here: /etc/hetrixtools/hetrixtools_agent.log /etc/hetrixtools/hetrixtools_cron.log If you’re running the 1.03 agent, there’s no need to follow any of the steps mentioned below in this article. Whereas, if you’re running a lower version, it’d be recommended to upgrade your agent to […]

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Server Monitor Agent Settings

Once you’ve installed the HetrixTools Server Monitoring Agent on your VPS or dedicated server, you can find it in the /etc/hetrixtools/ folder. The agent’s config file name is hetrixtools.cfg, and it should be the only .cfg file in that folder. Opening this file with your favourite editor, you’ll find a few settings that you can […]

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Server Monitor Color Indicators

The Uptime Monitors that have a Server Monitor agent attached to them will display some quick ‘at a glance’ info about the current server resource usage, under the monitor’s name. The 4 bars will indicate the current CPU Usage, RAM Usage, Network In/Out Usage, and Disk Usage. Hovering over any of the bars will show […]

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Server Monitor Agent Requirements & Compatibility

We wanted our Server Monitor Agent to be as light as as possible, with a very tiny footprint on the server resource usage. It is fully coded in bash language, and it requires no additional software to be installed for it to function. The following operating systems are compatible and can run the HetrixTools Server […]

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Set Resource Usage Warnings

Being alerted whenever your server starts using up too many resources is sometimes critical for your business and infrastructure. Using our Server Monitoring Agent you can easily set up warnings, directly from your dashboard. Start by opening up the collected data from any of your Uptime Monitors that have a Server Agent attached to them: […]

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