[February 14, 2017]

Here are the changes included in the version 0.9.51 release:

  • OneClick Maintenance Mode – your Uptime Monitoring alerts will now include OneClick links that you can use to put your monitors in and out of maintenance mode, easily without having to log into your account (view documentation).
  • Specific Unsubscribe Links can now be found in the footer of most of our sent out emails. This unsubscribe system is built in-house and allows our users to target specific categories of emails to unsubscribe from (ie: you can unsubscribe just from Blacklist Monitoring notifications, and still receive all other email types). You will not be able to use this system to unsubscribe from critical account emails, such as, but not limited to, billing emails, activity emails, etc.
  • Remove Monitors From Bulk Reports – allows you to remove certain monitors from your Bulk Reports (view documentation).
  • v2 List Blacklist Monitors – this new API Call is the better and improved version of its predecessor ‘v1 List Blacklist Monitors’ (view documentation). We recommend everyone switch to this new API Call as soon as possible, as we will discontinue ‘v1 List Blacklist Monitors’ in the future.
  • v2 Blacklist Check Domain/Hostname – long overdue, you can now blacklist check domains and hostnames via our API. The API Call can be found in our API Explorer.
  • White Label Reports have been slightly redesigned.
  • Announcements from Bulk Reports have been slightly redesigned.
  • Report Pages (blacklist, uptime, bulk) have been made a bit more mobile friendly.

If you encounter any issues with these new features, be sure to open a support ticket on our website and let us know about it.