v0.9.51 – Changelog

[February 14, 2017] Here are the changes included in the version 0.9.51 release: OneClick Maintenance Mode – your Uptime Monitoring alerts will now include OneClick links that you can use to put your monitors in and out of maintenance mode, easily without having to log into your account (view documentation). Specific Unsubscribe Links can now be found […]

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What is the difference between API Calls and API Checks?

API Calls Represents the number of maximum API Calls your account can do per month. Every time you do a request on our API, using your API Key, one API Call is being used from your monthly quota. Each package has a different number of monthly API Calls included. To find out your remaining API […]

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Blacklist Check Credits (also known as API Checks)

Blacklist Check Credits (also known as API Checks) are used for API Blacklist Check calls. You can read up how these API Calls work in the following documentation article: https://docs.hetrixtools.com/blacklist-check-api/ As explained in the article linked above, these API Calls will initiate a blacklist check on any IP address, on demand, then the results are cached […]

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Blacklist Check API

API Call Names: v2 Blacklist Check IPv4 IP Address v2 Blacklist Check Domain/Hostname API Calls: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/blacklist-check/ipv4/<IP_ADDRESS>/ https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/blacklist-check/domain/<DOMAIN>/ If you haven’t already, you can give it a go in our API Explorer: https://hetrixtools.com/dashboard/api-explorer/ These API Calls will perform a blacklist check for one IPv4 IP address or domain/hostname, on-demand, when initiated. In the example below, we’re going […]

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