API – Add Server Agent Uptime Monitor (Heartbeat Uptime Monitor)

API Call Name: v2 Add Uptime Monitor API Call: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/uptime/add/ Create a POST request to the API link with a JSON payload built as instructed below. Type – Monitor Type 9 for Server Agent Monitor. Name – Monitor Name. Accepted: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, spaces, dots, dashes. Timeout – Time, in seconds, after which the Uptime Monitor […]

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API – Delete Uptime Monitor

API Call Name: v2 Delete Uptime Monitor API Call: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/uptime/delete/ Create a POST request to the API link with a JSON payload built as instructed below. MID – 32 characters long string representing the Uptime Monitor ID that you wish to delete. You can get your monitors’ IDs by using the API Call v1 List Uptime […]

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Changes to SMART test warnings and Group Actions

[January 24, 2021] The SMART test warnings are part of our Drive Health Monitor, and they would let you know if the SMART test performed on your server is failing for one or more drives. These SMART test warnings used to be enabled if you had enabled either of the “Drive Error Warnings” or “Drive […]

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Changes to our Uptime Monitoring Network

[October 22, 2020] We’re posting this announcement publicly as well, however all of the affected users have already been emailed regarding these changes. If you have not whitelisted our Uptime Monitoring IPs in your firewall, then no action is needed on your part, you can safely ignore the rest of this announcement. However, if you […]

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ADDTrust Root Certificate Expired Triggering Downtime Notifications

[May 30, 2020] On 30th of May 2020, at around 10:50 AM (UTC), our system has started detecting an unusually high number of downtimes, and upon further investigation, we’ve discovered that quite a lot of the monitored websites were having SSL issues. This was caused due to the ADDTrust Root Certificate expiring and in turn invalidating a […]

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Changes to our Uptime Monitoring Network

[April 6, 2020] We’re posting this announcement publicly as well, however all of the affected users have already been emailed regarding these changes. If you have not whitelisted our Uptime Monitoring IPs in your firewall, then no action is needed on your part, you can safely ignore the rest of this announcement. However, if you […]

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v0.9.77 – Server Agent Monitor

[August 26, 2019] In version 0.9.77 we’re introducing a new type of Uptime Monitor which will use reverse monitoring in order to keep track of your server’s uptime. Here’s how it works: Instead of our monitoring locations pinging your server to determine its online status, this Uptime Monitor will use our Server Monitoring Agent (installed on your […]

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Changes to our Uptime Monitoring Network

[November 19, 2018] If you have not whitelisted our Uptime Monitoring IPs in your firewall, then no further action is needed on your part, and you can safely ignore the rest of this announcement. However, if you did whitelist our IPs in your firewall, then please make the necessary adjustments to avoid false positive downtimes. The […]

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v0.9.71 – New front-end design

[July 23, 2018] In version 0.9.71 we’re introducing a new front-end design for our website. Among the most notable changes have occurred on: Blacklist Monitor – Product Page [home page]: https://hetrixtools.com/ Blacklist Monitor – Pricing Page: https://hetrixtools.com/pricing/blacklist-monitor/ Uptime Monitor – Product Page: https://hetrixtools.com/uptime-monitor/ Uptime Monitor – Pricing Page: https://hetrixtools.com/pricing/uptime-monitor/ If you experience any issues with the new design, please […]

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v0.9.70 – Changelog

[July 16, 2018] In this version, we’re releasing a few new features, most of which have been highly requested by our users. Here’s the full changelog: The optional keyword that our system looks for on your website, can now accept multiple words and special characters, allowing you to monitor more complex keywords, as opposed to […]

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