Remove monitors from a Status Page

Note: You can also remove monitors from a Status Page by using our Group Actions: In this article, we’re going to explain how to remove monitors from one of your Status Pages. Begin by going to your Status Page dashboard from your client area menu: Open up the Status Page that you wish to modify […]

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v2 List Blacklist Monitors

API Call Name: v2 List Blacklist Monitors API Call:<API_TOKEN>/blacklist/monitors/<PAGE>/<PER_PAGE>/ Description: This API Call will list all of your Blacklist Monitors. Unlike its predecessor ‘v1 List Blacklist Monitors’ [deprecated], the ‘v2 List Blacklist Monitors’ API Call also includes the RBLs on which the monitors are blacklisted. Understanding the API Call variables: <API_TOKEN> – Your API Access Token. […]

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Search Cloud

Our ‘Search Cloud’ feature will automatically generate tags for your most commonly used terms, and display these tags on top of your Blacklist Monitors and Uptime Monitors pages. When clicking a tag, a search is initiated for its keyword(s). This way you will have your most commonly searched terms one click away. Tags are automatically sorted from left […]

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Default Contact List

The default contact list is the list that will automatically be selected when you’re adding new Uptime Monitors or Blacklist Monitors. This default contact list is marked with a gray star in your contact lists view. You can easily remove your default contact list by clicking the gray star. By not having a default contact […]

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Export as Text

Using this quick exporting tool, you’ll be able to instantly grab lists of IPs or Domains that you are monitoring, and easily paste them wherever you need to, in your workspace, or in an email or instant message to your colleagues, etc. We’ll explain below a much requested case scenario where this tool plays a […]

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Do Not Disturb Schedule

Do Not Disturb (DND) schedule allows you to set-up a time frame for any of your Contact Lists. During this time frame you will not be disturbed by our system with notifications which are meant for that specific contact list. Before reading further, please note that a poorly set-up DND Schedule can result in you missing […]

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SMS Credits

SMS Credits are used when you receive SMS Notifications. A contact list can contain up to 5 phone numbers that will be notified via SMS if you assign the contact list to any of your Uptime Monitors or Blacklist Monitors. Every phone number that receives a notification will use 1 SMS credit, so if you […]

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SMS Notifications

In order to start receiving SMS Notifications about your Uptime Monitors or Blacklist Monitors, you will need to add one or more phone numbers to your contact list. Be sure to click the “Send test notification” button, in order to make sure that your phone can receive our SMS notifications. Allow some time for the […]

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Filter Monitors Based on Recent Changes

You can view only those monitors which have recently suffered changes (ie: got blacklisted or delisted), by using the ‘Filter’ option in your Blacklist Monitors dashboard: This way you can see at a glance the monitors that have been blacklisted or delisted within the last X hours/days (based on your selection from the drop-down menu). […]

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Blacklist Monitor Color Indicators

Color indicators can help you instantly spot the most recent changes within your Blacklist Monitors, so you can see at a glance which of your IPs or Domains have recently been blacklisted or delisted. The “Report” cell next to each of your monitors can get colored green or red. Green – means that the monitor […]

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