Our Server Monitor Agent is written in bash language. We’ve coded it as simple as possible, and made it easy to read and understand for anyone wanting to look into its source code.

You can find and inspect it on GitHub:

To make a summary for those not interested in inspecting the code, here’s an exact list of what data our agent will collect from your server and send to our platform:

  • Agent Version – represents the version of the HetrixTools Agent transmitting the data towards our platform
  • Operating system – represents the operating system that your VPS or dedicated server runs on (i.e.: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS)
  • CPU model – will be the name of your processor
  • CPU speed – the frequency at which the processor runs on
  • CPU cores – how many cores the CPU has
  • CPU usage – percentage of CPU usage
  • Total RAM – the amount of usable RAM on the server
  • RAM usage – percentage of RAM being used
  • Disk size – represents the size of the disk on the server
  • Disk usage – percentage of the Disk being used
  • Download rate – represents the incoming transfer rate
  • Upload rate – represents the outgoing transfer rate
  • [v1.5.2+] System uptime – represents the time your server has been powered on, in seconds
  • [v1.5.2+] All the system disk sizes and usage percentage
  • [v1.5.2+] IOWait – the time CPU waits on disk IO to complete
  • [v1.5.2+] Swap usage
  • [v1.5.2+] The status of any monitored services which have been specified by the user in the HetrixTools server monitoring agent settings
  • [v1.5.3+] (optional) Software RAID health data
  • [v1.5.3+] (optional) HDD/SSD drive health data
  • [v1.5.4+] Currently running processes

The above mentioned data is being collected and sent to our platform once every minute.

Additionally, our install agent and uninstall agent scripts will also ping, one time, the HetrixTools platform, letting it know the installation/uninstallation has been completed for that particular agent. No data is being sent out or received during this ping, it serves just as a status update for the user to view in their dashboard.

All data is being sent over SSL.

No identifiable data is being collected (i.e.: IP address, provider, etc.).
