[November 7, 2016] We’ve deployed 6 new locations that you can monitor your uptime from: Dallas Sydney Sao Paulo Tokyo Mumbai Moscow Furthermore, if you’re on our free uptime monitoring package, you can now select monitoring locations, up to 3 from any of the 12 that we offer, and your history will be kept forever, […]
Category: 16 Announcements
16.01 Incidents(56)
16.02 Network Changes(14)
Affiliate Program changes starting with 1st of December 2016
[November 7, 2016] Starting with 1st of December 2016, we’re lowering the affiliate commission to 10%, but only for the newly referred users after this date. Furthermore, report links will no longer act as affiliate links. What does this mean for you, if you’re an active affiliate on HetrixTools? everyone that you’ve referred before 1st Dec. […]
v0.9.44 – Sub-Accounts
[October 17, 2016] In this version, we’re introducing a much requested feature, which is the ability to have sub-accounts for your team members. Using this feature you can easily assign access levels for your team members, defining what they can and cannot do in your master account. Please note that the sub-accounts feature is only […]
v0.9.43 – Add/Edit/Remove Blacklist Monitors via API
[October 10, 2016] In this version we’re introducing 4 new API Calls: v1 List Contact Lists v2 Add Blacklist Monitor v2 Edit Blacklist Monitor v2 Delete Blacklist Monitor The main focus being on the v2 ones, while the v1 call was introduced just to help our users fetch their contact list IDs that are to […]
v0.9.42 – Domain Blacklist Monitoring
[August 19, 2016] In version 0.9.42 we’re introducing a very requested feature, which is the ability to blacklist monitor your domain names. You can now add your domains to be monitored, just like you’ve been adding the IPv4 monitors. For a full guide, please see our documentation:https://docs.hetrixtools.com/add-a-domain-name/ Domain blacklist monitoring works exactly the same as […]
v0.9.41 – Introducing SMS Notifications & SMS Credits
[August 4, 2016] In this version we’re introducing yet another method that you can get notified with, SMS text messages. You will now be able to get Uptime Monitoring and Blacklist Monitoring alerts sent directly to your cell, by simply adding your number(s) to the desired contact list(s). For more info on how this system […]
v0.9.40 – Bulk Reports interface tweaks / Ticket documentation live assistance
[July 30, 2016] In version 0.9.40 we’re introducing two new changes: 1). The Bulk Reports interface has been tweaked, and is now looking like this: The new interface allows you to quickly change the report name, set or modify the announcement, twitter feed or password. 2). When opening a new ticket you will instantly receive […]
Announcing the new Blacklist Monitor pricing structure
[July 18, 2016] Starting with 1st of August 2016, we’re introducing a new Blacklist Monitoring pricing structure. Before reading any further, please note that the new prices will be affecting only orders placed after 1st of August 2016, any old active orders will remain on their current pricing plans, without suffering any modifications. The new pricing structure […]
v0.9.39 – WebHook Notifications
[July 13, 2016] In this version, we’re introducing webhook notifications for our Uptime Monitoring service. The documentation can be found here:https://docs.hetrixtools.com/webhook-notifications/ If you need any assistance setting up this notification type, be sure to reach out to our support department.
v0.9.37 – Downtime Diagnostics
[July 12, 2016 – UPDATE] The Singapore uptime monitoring node has now been replaced, so you should start seeing Downtime Diagnostics being recorded from this location as well, from now on. You can always find the current list of Uptime Monitoring Nodes here:https://docs.hetrixtools.com/uptime-monitoring-nodes/ [July 11, 2016 – UPDATE] Due to restrictions on Microsoft’s Azure network, […]