[October 10, 2016]

In this version we’re introducing 4 new API Calls:

  • v1 List Contact Lists
  • v2 Add Blacklist Monitor
  • v2 Edit Blacklist Monitor
  • v2 Delete Blacklist Monitor

The main focus being on the v2 ones, while the v1 call was introduced just to help our users fetch their contact list IDs that are to be used with the new v2 API calls.

These new API calls allow you to add, edit and delete blacklist monitors within your account.

It’s extremely easy to get started, and you can test out your API calls in our API Explorer:

Be sure to read the full documentation on these new API calls:

These API calls can affect one IP or domain at a time, or even entire IP ranges or blocks, up to a maximum of 8192 IPs at a time.