[November 7, 2016]

Starting with 1st of December 2016, we’re lowering the affiliate commission to 10%, but only for the newly referred users after this date.

Furthermore, report links will no longer act as affiliate links.

What does this mean for you, if you’re an active affiliate on HetrixTools?

  • everyone that you’ve referred before 1st Dec. 2016 will remain on the 30% commission, and any of their future invoices will still give you 30% commission.
  • everyone that you’ll refer after 1st Dec. 2016 will give you 10% commission from any of their paid invoices.

So, basically, this change will not impact your already established recurring income or the work you’ve put in so far, in any way, it will just impact future referred users.

The affiliate dashboard has also been slightly re-designed, in order to show each referred user and their specific commission you’d get from them.