[November 19, 2016]

In this version, we’re very excited to announce the partnership with Invaluement and as a result we’re introducing their RBLs into our Blacklist Monitoring service.

Starting right now, all of your monitored IPs and Domains will also be checked on Invaluement RBLs.

IPv4 will be getting two new RBLs:

  • invaluement SIP
  • invaluement SIP/24

Domains will be getting one new RBL:

  • invaluement URI

The query hostnames are private, so, if you wish to add Invaluement RBLs to your email server spam protection, you will need to contact them directly, via their website: http://www.invaluement.com/

Delisting from Invaluement is also done via their website. Our reports will contain delisting links directly to the page you’d need to go in order to fill out a delisting request.

As with any RBL, if you do not wish to have it monitored in your account, you can simply ignore it by following the instructions in our documentation: