Understanding our APIs

We currently offer three API versions: v1, v2, and v3. v3 The v3 API is a RESTful API and it’s our latest API version, where we aim to gradually port over all other API calls from v1/v2. The v3 documentation can be found here: Limits Limits for the v3 API are per user per API call […]

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API – Add Website/Ping/Service/SMTP Uptime Monitor

API Call Name: v2 Add Uptime Monitor API Call: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/uptime/add/ Create a POST request to the API link with a JSON payload built as instructed below. General JSON body You can use the body below when adding any type of Uptime Monitor. Please note that some variables are not needed / ignored for certain Uptime Monitor […]

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API – Add Server Agent Uptime Monitor (Heartbeat Uptime Monitor)

API Call Name: v2 Add Uptime Monitor API Call: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/uptime/add/ Create a POST request to the API link with a JSON payload built as instructed below. Type – Monitor Type 9 for Server Agent Monitor. Name – Monitor Name. Accepted: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, spaces, dots, dashes. Timeout – Time, in seconds, after which the Uptime Monitor […]

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API – Delete Uptime Monitor

API Call Name: v2 Delete Uptime Monitor API Call: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/uptime/delete/ Create a POST request to the API link with a JSON payload built as instructed below. MID – 32 characters long string representing the Uptime Monitor ID that you wish to delete. You can get your monitors’ IDs by using the API Call v1 List Uptime […]

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v0.9.56 – Changelog

[June 19, 2017] Version 0.9.56 brings a series of new features and improvements. Here’s the full changelog: Improved Downtime Diagnostics – now generates MTR instead of Traceroute samples. Introducing Maximize Workspace – allowing you to take advantage of your entire screen, and use it all to display our Blacklist Monitoring and Uptime Monitoring workspaces. Improved Auto-Refresh Timer – we’ve redesigned the […]

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v0.9.43 – Add/Edit/Remove Blacklist Monitors via API

[October 10, 2016] In this version we’re introducing 4 new API Calls: v1 List Contact Lists v2 Add Blacklist Monitor v2 Edit Blacklist Monitor v2 Delete Blacklist Monitor The main focus being on the v2 ones, while the v1 call was introduced just to help our users fetch their contact list IDs that are to […]

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v0.9.11 Beta – API Access & API Explorer Released

[December 4, 2015] We’re pleased to release in v0.9.11 a feature which has been requested quite a lot lately, version 1 (v1) of our API Access. For now the v1 contains just a handful of API Calls available for our users, and we’re considering expanding it further in the future, based on clients’ needs. That […]

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API Keys Access

By default, all of your API Keys have full access and can perform any of our API Calls. This can be risky at times. For instance, if you wish to deploy your application in an environment where others may be able to see your API Key (i.e.: on shared hosting). For such cases you can […]

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Using the API Relay

If you or your server are having issues accessing our API endpoint (api.hetrixtools.com), it could be due to CloudFlare blocking your IP address. This can sometimes happen if your IP address has a poor or bad reputation. In such cases, you can use our API via the relay, which allows you to access the API […]

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