Linux Server Monitoring Agent v2

[26 Sept 2023] Today, we’re very excited to launch version 2.0 of our Linux Server Monitoring Agent: This new version has many improvements compared to our agent’s previous (v1) version, and we’ll go through some of the more noticeable changes below. Server Info This section’s layout has been slightly redesigned to make room for […]

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Changes to our Uptime Monitoring Network

[August 8, 2023] These changes are essential only if you’ve previously whitelisted our uptime monitoring IPs in your firewall; otherwise, no action is required on your part. The changes below will take effect on August 15, 2023. However, you can make modifications to your firewall at any point until then. We will be gradually introducing the new […]

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How to track your uptime using HetrixTools

This brief guide will address how you can properly track your web host’s uptime by using our platform. Once you get a new hosting environment, may it be shared hosting, a VPS, or a dedicated server, you’ll want to start monitoring its uptime in order to be notified of any downtimes that may be critical […]

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Error 35: error:0A000102:SSL routines::unsupported protocol

Cause You can get this Uptime Monitoring error in your Location Fail Log if your web server does not support any of the current SSL protocols. For instance, if your server only supports TLS 1.0 but does not support TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.3. This error gets triggered even if you’ve disabled “Verify SSL Certificate” […]

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Copy Settings

Using our Group Actions feature, you can easily copy the settings from one of your uptime monitors to other uptime monitors. In this article, we’ll show you exactly how to achieve this. To begin, start by heading to your uptime monitors dashboard from your client area menu: Select all of the uptime monitors that you […]

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Filter Uptime Monitors

You can easily filter your uptime monitors based on several criteria. In this article, we’ll go through all of your filtering options. Start by going to your uptime monitors dashboard: Now, locate the “Filter” button on the top right side of the uptime monitors dashboard interface: From here, you can filter your uptime monitors as […]

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How to use the Cron Job Monitor

Once you’ve added your first Cron Job uptime monitor (as described here:, you will be given a unique URL which you’ll need to use in order to let our platform know that your monitored target is still ‘up’ and healthy. The URL will look something like this: In this guide, we’ll go through […]

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Add a Cron Job Monitor (Heartbeat Monitor)

The Cron Job Monitor is a Heartbeat Uptime Monitor. Instead of our global monitoring infrastructure pinging your monitored target, this type of monitor works exactly the opposite; your monitored target will have to access a given URL in order to let our platform know it’s online and healthy. If your monitored target hasn’t accessed the […]

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How to use Quick PING

The idea of our Quick PING feature came right from our developers, that needed a quick way of pinging a server during planned reboots without having to manually open their OS terminal, type in the ping command and copy/paste the IP address of the server they wished to ping. So, here’s one of the best […]

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