Difference between Location Fail Log and Network Diagnostics

Both of these are diagnostics that will help you investigate and debug the issues that were causing your monitored target to be offline, but there’s a big difference in how our system collects the data for these two logs. In short, the Location Fail Log is collecting data the exact moment a monitoring location finds […]

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Location Fail Log

The Location Fail Log contains the exact errors our monitoring locations encountered when trying to access your monitored target. The entries here are logged at the exact moment when/if any of our locations encounter an issue trying to verify if your monitored target is Online. The errors in the Location Fail Log can provide all […]

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Server Monitoring Resource Usage Webhook Notifications

In order to receive Server Monitoring Resource Usage webhook notifications, you will need to have the following: An Uptime Monitor which has a contact list with Webhooks enabled:– http://docs.hetrixtools.com/uptime-monitoring-webhook-notifications/ Attach a Server Monitor to this Uptime Monitor, and install the Server Agent on your VPS or Dedicated Server:– https://docs.hetrixtools.com/install-the-hetrixtools-server-monitor-agent/ Configure resource usage warnings for this Server […]

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How to whitelist our Uptime Monitoring Nodes in CSF

Please note that it’s not necessarily needed to whitelist our uptime monitoring IPs in your firewall. This should only be done if you are experiencing monitoring issues without whitelisting these IPs. However, if you do wish to whitelist these IPs in your CSF, start by running the following command on your server’s ssh: wget -q […]

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Maximize Workspace

On the Blacklist Monitors and Uptime Monitors workspace pages in your dashboard you will notice a button on the top right corner of your screen: You can use this button to maximize your workspace on the current page: Thus removing any non essential page elements out of your way, and spreading the workspace table all […]

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How to change Contact List

In this article we’ll be looking at how easy it is to change the Contact List for one or more of your monitors at once. In the example below we’ll be showing how it is done on the Blacklist Monitors interface, but please know that the same steps can be applied on the Uptime Monitors […]

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Auto Refresh Timer

Setting the Auto Refresh Timer allows your Blacklist Monitor or Uptime Monitor dashboard to constantly keep refreshing their data, so you can easily keep an eye on them for changes. Getting started with this feature is extremely easy, and it’s done from the general actions drop down menu on each of the mentioned dashboards: Once […]

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Schedule Maintenance

This feature allows you to schedule Maintenance Mode in advance for any of your Uptime Monitors. This can come in handy when, for instance, your upstream provider announces an upcoming downtime/maintenance of their own. You can schedule it in your Uptime Monitors so that the actual downtime will be registered as a maintenance downtime, and […]

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Remove monitors from a Status Page

Note: You can also remove monitors from a Status Page by using our Group Actions:https://docs.hetrixtools.com/group-actions/ In this article, we’re going to explain how to remove monitors from one of your Status Pages. Begin by going to your Status Page dashboard from your client area menu: Open up the Status Page that you wish to modify […]

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OneClick Maintenance Mode

This feature allows you to modify your Uptime Monitor’s maintenance mode status right from the downtime email notification, without the need to log into your account. This way, you or your colleagues can focus more on fixing the actual issue which causes the downtime, and less on worrying about placing the Uptime Monitor under maintenance […]

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