Enable Server Monitor Agent Debugging

Starting with agent version 1.03 logging is enabled by default, and you can find the log files here: /etc/hetrixtools/hetrixtools_agent.log /etc/hetrixtools/hetrixtools_cron.log If you’re running the 1.03 agent, there’s no need to follow any of the steps mentioned below in this article. Whereas, if you’re running a lower version, it’d be recommended to upgrade your agent to […]

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Server Monitor Agent Settings

Once you’ve installed the HetrixTools Server Monitoring Agent on your VPS or dedicated server, you can find it in the /etc/hetrixtools/ folder. The agent’s config file name is hetrixtools.cfg, and it should be the only .cfg file in that folder. Opening this file with your favourite editor, you’ll find a few settings that you can […]

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Server Monitor Color Indicators

The Uptime Monitors that have a Server Monitor agent attached to them will display some quick ‘at a glance’ info about the current server resource usage, under the monitor’s name. The 4 bars will indicate the current CPU Usage, RAM Usage, Network In/Out Usage, and Disk Usage. Hovering over any of the bars will show […]

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Server Monitor Agent Requirements & Compatibility

We wanted our Server Monitor Agent to be as light as as possible, with a very tiny footprint on the server resource usage. It is fully coded in bash language, and it requires no additional software to be installed for it to function. The following operating systems are compatible and can run the HetrixTools Server […]

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Uninstall the HetrixTools Server Monitor Agent

You can access the ‘Reinstall/Uninstall’ instructions, at any time, either from the Uptime Monitor’s action drop-down menu: Or from the data graphs: Clicking any of these links will open the ‘Reinstall/Uninstall’ modal, and if you wish to proceed with the Uninstall, you’ll need to click the ‘Show Uninstall Instructions’ button: Doing so will reveal the […]

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Resource Usage Privacy

By default, after installing an agent all data collected is private and you’ll only be able to see it from your Uptime Monitors list, as described in this article: https://docs.hetrixtools.com/accessing-server-monitoring-data/ However, you do have the option to make any of the collected data available in the Uptime Report belonging to the Uptime Monitor you’ve attached […]

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Set Resource Usage Warnings

Being alerted whenever your server starts using up too many resources is sometimes critical for your business and infrastructure. Using our Server Monitoring Agent you can easily set up warnings, directly from your dashboard. Start by opening up the collected data from any of your Uptime Monitors that have a Server Agent attached to them: […]

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Accessing Server Monitoring Data

Once you’ve installed our Server Monitoring Agent on one of your VPS or dedicated servers, you’ll be able to access the resource usage data from your Uptime Monitors list: Simply click the Uptime Monitor name that you’ve installed the agent on: A pop-up will open, containing all of the graphs from the collected data: You […]

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What data does the Server Monitor Agent collect?

Our Server Monitor Agent is written in bash language. We’ve coded it as simple as possible, and made it easy to read and understand for anyone wanting to look into its source code. You can find and inspect it on GitHub: https://github.com/hetrixtools/agent To make a summary for those not interested in inspecting the code, here’s […]

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Install the HetrixTools Server Monitor Agent

As mentioned in the intro documentation article, the Server Monitor service is part of our Uptime Monitoring product, so before you can deploy your first Server Monitor Agent, you will need to have at least one Uptime Monitor in your HetrixTools account. Each Uptime Monitor can have one Server Monitor Agent attached to it. To […]

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