Color indicators can help you instantly spot the most recent changes within your Blacklist Monitors, so you can see at a glance which of your IPs or Domains have recently been blacklisted or delisted. The “Report” cell next to each of your monitors can get colored green or red. Green – means that the monitor […]
Articles Tagged: blacklist monitor
Add Your First Blacklist Monitor
We’ll get things started by adding a simple IP to your blacklist monitor list. In order to do this, go to the “Blacklist Monitors” page in your client area: Locate and click on the “Add Monitor” button: A pop-up window will appear. Proceed by adding the desired IP address to be monitored; a friendly Label […]
Add An IP Range
Start by heading to your Blacklist Monitors page. If you have IP ranges which need to be monitored, you don’t have to add each IP individually, you can simply add an entire range, all at once, as shown in the image below. If your range contains an IP address which you’re already monitoring, then that […]
Add An IP Block
The same as with IP Ranges, you can add multiple IPs at once by using IP blocks, in the format x.x.x.x/x Head on to your Blacklist Monitors dashboard. Simply add your IP block, and click the “Add Monitor” button as shown below. Our system will automatically skip the IPs which you already have monitoring from […]
Say NO To Pageloads
Our interface is built to avoid unnecessary page loads, because we realize that our clients’ time is precious, and it should not be wasted by going through countless pages in order to get things done. One of the main goals when the HetrixTools project was started was to make the user interface as simple and as […]
Create A Contact List
You can create a new contact list by clicking on “Contact Lists” from the left side menu: Once you’re on the Contact Lists page, click the “Add New Contact List” button: Fill in the info on the pop-up form: And then just hit the “Add” button, and you’re done. You can then easily edit or […]