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Category: 12 F.A.Q.
Frequently Asked Questions
How are your Uptime Monitoring statistics calculated?
In any of your Uptime Monitor reports you’ll find the following uptime statistics (example screenshot): We’ll go through what each of them means and how they are calculated and displayed. The “Today” uptime is calculated based on how many minutes of downtime your uptime monitor has had during the current day, considering each day has […]
Do you offer custom packages?
Yes, we do offer custom packages whether you’re interested in Blacklist Monitoring or Uptime Monitoring. If you’re in need of specs that are not displayed on our website pricing pages, be sure to contact our Sales Department either via Live Chat or Support Tickets. We’d love to hear your custom requirements. However, please noteĀ that we […]
Do you offer blacklist delisting assistance?
We do not currently offer any type of blacklist delisting assistance or support, other than the links provided by our system for delisting for each RBL. Why not? Our platform handles only monitoring and reporting, we do not have any connection with any of these third party RBLs that your IPs may be blacklisted on. […]
Do you offer free trials?
We have free packages for both our Blacklist Monitor and Uptime Monitor products. These free packages can be used to test out our platform, and will remain free for as long as you’ll be using them. You can consider these free packages a sort of unlimited trial packages. Our free packages are mostly restricted by […]
Why does my Uptime Monitor show as Offline, when it’s actually not?
Our uptime monitoring system has been configured to avoid false positives as much as possible, but in certain cases there’s simply nothing we can do from our side to avoid it. There can be several case scenarios for these uptime monitoring false positives. We’ll begin with the simpler ones and keep the more complex ones […]
Does your Uptime Monitor check from all of the locations simultaneously?
Short answer: Yes, our system checks your uptime monitor target from all of the selected locations at the same time, so if you select (for instance) to monitor from 6 locations, then all 6 locations will ping your website/service, every one minute. Longer answer: Most of the uptime monitoring systems out there today will check […]
Why is Uptime Monitoring so important? Why should I do it?
We’re going to address the answers to these questions a bit differently based on the role you play in the hosting industry: A. If you’re a hosting client No matter what type of hosting servicesĀ (may it be shared hosting, vps hosting, dedicated servers, cloud hosting, etc.) you bought and from which hosting providers you’ve bought […]
How do blacklist notifications work? When do I get notified?
When you first add your blacklist monitors to our platform, the system will start the initial check-up. The initial check-up will not generate any notifications, as our system only notifies you when it detects any changes (i.e.: when your IPs get listed or delisted from any RBLs), and the initial check-up does not detect any […]
mxtoolbox alternative?
Looking for a mxtoolbox alternative? Here’s why HetrixTools is the right choice: Granted, they’re not all bad things, mxtoolbox does currently offer a wider variety of tools than we are offering, we’ll get there at some point, but when it comes pure blacklist monitoring, all the above mentioned points are valid. But why take our word […]