We’re going to address the answers to these questions a bit differently based on the role you play in the hosting industry:

A. If you’re a hosting client

No matter what type of hosting services (may it be shared hosting, vps hosting, dedicated servers, cloud hosting, etc.) you bought and from which hosting providers you’ve bought them from, one of the most important things for you will be the uptime of your website/services.

You will want to know the minute your website or server goes down and you will probably want to take action as quickly as possible in order to minimize the downtime, either by contacting your hosting provider or by investigating/fixing the issue yourself.

You will also want to have some sort of overall uptime statistics, for each of your uptime monitors, so you can quickly see which of your websites or services have had the most problems lately, maybe which hosting provider is letting you down lately, or which hosting provider you’ll need to thank for that impeccable uptime.

All in all, monitoring all of your websites and services is generally a very good idea, and it will help you make informed decisions as a client in the hosting industry.

B. If you’re a hosting provider

Whether you’re a small provider or a huge provider, your servers’ uptime should be your top concern for your clients. No matter how you’re going to look at it, you should be monitoring your servers 24/7, as even the smallest of downtimes will affect a lot of your clients, and you sure as heck don’t want to upset clients by constantly having their websites offline.

Websites and services will go down from time to time, it’s inevitable, but you, as a provider, should be aware instantly of any downtime, so you can quickly look into it and fix the issues as soon as possible in order to minimize the downtime for your clients.

By being informed as soon as the problem occurs, you can already be fixing it by the time anyone else even notices the downtime, thus drastically reducing the negative impact that these nasty downtimes have on your clients.

Also, with our white labeling system you can provide your clients with your own uptime reports of their websites and services. These uptime reports would have your website link, logo, favicon, everything customized and branded to match your own hosting brand.

Furthermore, by using our platform you can easily create bulk reports (status pages) where your clients can easily see at a quick glance an overview of your uptime statistics as a hosting provider. Of course these bulk reports (status pages) can also be fully customized with your own brand, and they can even be embedded directly into your website, so your clients won’t even have to navigate away in order to see your uptime statistics.

Publicly displaying your uptime statistics can only be a good thing for you as a provider. If you have an amazing uptime, all of your clients and potential clients will see this and you’ll have gained their trust, while if you have had some recent downtimes (which do happen from time to time), then your clients or potential clients will see that you are very transparent and you do not wish to hide anything from them, because: yes, downtimes do happen from time to time, it’s inevitable. So, as you can see, either way it’s a very good idea to have your uptime statistics being displayed on your website.


Whether you’re a hosting provider or a client of any hosting provider, you should be monitoring the uptime of all of your websites and services, best part being that you can start right now for free on our website, and if you do not need any of the paid features, you’re more than welcome to remain on the free uptime monitor package for as long as you wish.