API Call Name:

v2 Add Uptime Monitor

API Call:


Create a POST request to the API link with a JSON payload built as instructed below.

General JSON body

You can use the body below when adding any type of Uptime Monitor. Please note that some variables are not needed / ignored for certain Uptime Monitor types.

  • MID – Monitor ID to edit or delete. Needed when editing or deleting a monitor. Ignored when adding a monitor.
  • Type – Monitor Type. Accepted: 1 – Website, 2 – Ping/Service, 3 – SMTP, 9 – Server Agent Monitor.
  • Name – Monitor Name. Accepted: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, spaces, dots, dashes.
  • Target – Link for Website Uptime Monitors, IP/Hostname for Ping/Service/SMTP. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor
  • Timeout – Timeout. Accepted: 3, 5, 10, [15 is available just for the website type]. Suggested: 10. | Values accepted for Server Agent Monitor: 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600. Suggested: 300.
  • Frequency – Checkup frequency (minutes). Accepted: 1, 3, 5, 10. Suggested: 1. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.
  • FailsBeforeAlert – Failed tries before issuing alert. Accepted: 1-3. Suggested: 3. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.
  • FailedLocations – [Optional] Failed locations before issuing alert. Accepted: 2-12. Suggested: 50%+1 of number of monitored locations. Leave empty for auto. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.
  • ContactList – [Optional] Contact List ID, leave empty for none.
  • Category – [Optional] Category for this monitor, leave empty for none.
  • AlertAfter – [Optional] Alert only after X minutes, leave empty to disable. Accepted: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 [must be multiple of Frequency].
  • RepeatTimes – [Optional] Repeat alert X times, leave empty to disable. Accepted: 0-30.
  • RepeatEvery – [Optional] Repeat alert every X minutes, leave empty to disable. Accepted: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 [must be multiple of Frequency].
  • Public – Privacy for this monitor’s Uptime Report. Accepted: true, false.
  • ShowTarget – Whether or not to show the monitored target in the uptime report. Accepted: true, false.
  • VerSSLCert – Whether or not to verify the SSL certificate of the monitored target. Accepted: true, false. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.
  • VerSSLHost – Whether or not to verify the SSL host of the monitored target. Accepted: true, false. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.

For any Uptime Monitor type other than Server Agent Monitor, you’ll also need to add the Locations array to the JSON payload:

  • nyc – New York. Accepted: true, false. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.
  • sfo – San Francisco. Accepted: true, false. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.
  • dal – Dallas. Accepted: true, false. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.
  • ams – Amsterdam. Accepted: true, false. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.
  • lon – London. Accepted: true, false. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.
  • fra – Frankfurt. Accepted: true, false. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.
  • sgp – Singapore. Accepted: true, false. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.
  • syd – Sydney. Accepted: true, false. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.
  • sao – Sao Paulo. Accepted: true, false. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.
  • tok – Tokyo. Accepted: true, false. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.
  • mba – Mumbai. Accepted: true, false. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.
  • waw – Warsaw. Accepted: true, false. | Ignored for Server Agent Monitor.

Type specific JSON additions

You’ll need to add the following to your JSON body, based on the type of Uptime Monitor that you’re adding.

Website Uptime Monitor

  • Keyword – [Optional] Keyword to look for on the monitored website, leave empty for none. Max length: 128.
  • HTTPCodes – [Optional] Specify the accepted HTTP codes (separated by comma). Your website will be considered online if any of these HTTP codes is returned.
  • MaxRedirects – Maximum number of redirects to follow. Accepted: 0-10.

Ping/Service Uptime Monitor

  • Port – [Optional] Port to be monitored, leave empty for PING. Accepted: 0-65535.

SMTP Uptime Monitor

  • Port – SMTP Port to be monitored. Accepted: 0-65535.
  • CheckAuth – Whether or not to check the SMTP authentication functionality. Accepted: true, false.
  • SMTPUser – If CheckAuth is set to true, provide the SMTP Username.
  • SMTPPass – If CheckAuth is set to true, provide the SMTP Password.

Server Agent Monitor

  • INFOPub – Make the Server Monitoring ‘Server Info’ section public on the Uptime Report page. Accepted: true, false.
  • CPUPub – Make the Server Monitoring ‘CPU Usage’ section public on the Uptime Report page. Accepted: true, false.
  • RAMPub – Make the Server Monitoring ‘RAM Usage’ section public on the Uptime Report page. Accepted: true, false.
  • DISKPub – Make the Server Monitoring ‘Disk Usage’ section public on the Uptime Report page. Accepted: true, false.
  • NETPub – Make the Server Monitoring ‘Network Usage’ section public on the Uptime Report page. Accepted: true, false.

A ‘proof of concept’ PHP script can be found here: