API – Add Website/Ping/Service/SMTP Uptime Monitor

API Call Name: v2 Add Uptime Monitor API Call: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/uptime/add/ Create a POST request to the API link with a JSON payload built as instructed below. General JSON body You can use the body below when adding any type of Uptime Monitor. Please note that some variables are not needed / ignored for certain Uptime Monitor […]

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API – Delete Uptime Monitor

API Call Name: v2 Delete Uptime Monitor API Call: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/uptime/delete/ Create a POST request to the API link with a JSON payload built as instructed below. MID – 32 characters long string representing the Uptime Monitor ID that you wish to delete. You can get your monitors’ IDs by using the API Call v1 List Uptime […]

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API Uptime Monitor Maintenance Mode

API Call Name: v2 Uptime Maintenance Mode API Call: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/maintenance/<UPTIME_MONITOR_ID>/<MAINTENANCE_MODE>/ Understanding the variables: <API_TOKEN> – Your API Access Token. <UPTIME_MONITOR_ID> – You can find the ID of any of your Uptime Monitors by using the API Call ‘v1 List Uptime Monitors’. It is listed for every uptime monitor as ‘ID’. <MAINTENANCE_MODE> – The type of maintenance. Accepted values (numbers): 1, 2, […]

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