Relocating our Moscow monitoring location

[February 28, 2022] This announcement will also be emailed to all of the affected users. Given the recent events, we have decided to relocate this monitoring location to Warsaw, Poland, effective March 10, 2022. If you’re using our API or our Webhooks, please note the following changes: If you have not whitelisted our Uptime Monitoring […]

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Moscow Relocation API/Webhook Changes

[February 28, 2022] The changes below will take effect on March 10, 2022. These changes only affect you if you’re using our Uptime Monitoring API or Uptime Monitoring Webhooks. 1). Add/Edit Uptime Monitor API: The msw variable name will be replaced with waw The change is backwards compatible, meaning that if our system will still […]

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Moscow Relocation IP Changes

[February 28, 2022] The changes below will take effect on March 10, 2022. These changes are required only if you’ve previously whitelisted our monitoring IPs in your firewall. Nodes removed: Moscow 1: Moscow 2: Moscow 3: Moscow 4: Nodes added: Warsaw 1: Warsaw 2: Warsaw 3: If you’re […]

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Order monitors by SSL/Domain expiration dates

You can order your uptime monitors by their SSL or domain expiration dates, so you can easily see which ones are going to expire the soonest. To do this, head on to your uptime monitors dashboard, from the top menu in your client area: Then, from the “Sort” drop-down menu, select to sort either by […]

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SSL errors due to expiring LetsEncrypt root certificate (DST Root CA X3)

[September 24, 2021] Starting today, we’ve started seeing an increased number of SSL certificate failures, which is due to one of LetsEncrypt root certificates (DST Root CA X3) that’s about to expire within the next few days, on September 30, 2021. You can read more about this here: Why is this happening before the expiration […]

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Schedule Recurring Maintenance

[June 15, 2021] We’re introducing the ability to set your scheduled maintenance windows as recurring. This will allow you to schedule a maintenance window once, and have it repeat every X hours, days, weeks, months, or years, as needed to fit your needs. It will come in handy for the users that perform maintenances on […]

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Schedule Recurring Maintenance

Scheduling a recurring maintenance for your Uptime Monitors can be done by checking the “Rec.” box on your Schedule Maintenance window: Once that box is checked, you’ll have the option to configure the recurring interval for your scheduled maintenance: Then, be sure to click on the ‘Add New’ button, in order to add the scheduled […]

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API – Add Website/Ping/Service/SMTP Uptime Monitor

API Call Name: v2 Add Uptime Monitor API Call:<API_TOKEN>/uptime/add/ Create a POST request to the API link with a JSON payload built as instructed below. General JSON body You can use the body below when adding any type of Uptime Monitor. Please note that some variables are not needed / ignored for certain Uptime Monitor […]

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Changes to our Uptime Monitoring Network

[April 15, 2021] We’re posting this announcement publicly as well, however all of the affected users have already been emailed regarding these changes. If you have not whitelisted our Uptime Monitoring IPs in your firewall, then no action is needed on your part, you can safely ignore the rest of this announcement. However, if you […]

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Introducing the “Global Status” section in our Uptime Reports

[April 14, 2021] Start by accessing any of your Uptime Reports, as described here: On your Uptime Reports, you’ll be able to find the new “Global Status” section, towards the top of the page: This section will contain real-time data regarding your monitored target, collected from each of the monitored locations that you have selected […]

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