Server Agent – Custom Variables

Feature only available for the Linux Server Monitoring Agent version 2.0.8 or newer. You can use this feature of our Server Monitoring Agent to send custom metrics to be displayed for this Server Agent in your HetrixTools dashboard. Requirements: Use case example:

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Using the Server Monitoring Relay

If your server is having issues sending data to our Server Monitoring endpoint (, it could be due to Cloudflare blocking your IP address. This can sometimes happen if your IP address has a poor or bad reputation. In such cases, you can use our Server Monitoring relay to send your agent metrics to our […]

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Disabling the ‘Reboot Required’ warning icons

One of our Server Monitoring Agent features is that it will try to determine whether or not your server requires a reboot, as explained here: However, the icons this feature generates might be distracting at times, so we’ve implemented a way that you can tone these down, so they only appear when opening the […]

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Server Monitoring Agent not sending data from an ArchLinux server

If you’ve installed our Server Monitoring Agent on your ArchLinux server, and it’s not sending out metrics data, one possible solution would be to edit your crontab (command: crontab -e ), and change it from this: * * * * * bash /etc/hetrixtools/ >> /etc/hetrixtools/hetrixtools_cron.log 2>&1 to this */1 * * * * bash /etc/hetrixtools/ […]

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Changes to SMART test warnings and Group Actions

[January 24, 2021] The SMART test warnings are part of our Drive Health Monitor, and they would let you know if the SMART test performed on your server is failing for one or more drives. These SMART test warnings used to be enabled if you had enabled either of the “Drive Error Warnings” or “Drive […]

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v0.9.77 – Server Agent Monitor

[August 26, 2019] In version 0.9.77 we’re introducing a new type of Uptime Monitor which will use reverse monitoring in order to keep track of your server’s uptime. Here’s how it works: Instead of our monitoring locations pinging your server to determine its online status, this Uptime Monitor will use our Server Monitoring Agent (installed on your […]

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v0.9.74 – Server Monitoring – Running Processes

[October 29, 2018] The following changes have been introduced in version 0.9.74: View your server’s running processes in the HetrixTools dashboard, using our latest SSH Server Monitoring Agent (version 1.5.4). This will also allow you to search or order the running processes, as well as being able to see a recent CPU/RAM performance for any of them. […]

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v0.9.73 – New Server Monitor Alerts

[August 13, 2018] Following last week’s release, we’ve now implemented further alerts for our Server Monitoring product, as follows: Agent data warning – receive alerts if your Server Monitor Agent hasn’t sent any data in over X minutes. IOWait usage warning – receive alerts if your server’s IOWait usage is too high. Swap usage warning – receive alerts […]

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v0.9.72 – Software RAID Monitor & Drive Health Monitor

[August 7, 2018] In version 0.9.72 we’re introducing a couple of improvements for our Server Monitoring product: Software RAID Monitor – allows our Server Monitor Agent to collect health data regarding your Software RAID setup (via mdadm), and display it in your HetrixTools dashboard: For more info on this feature, please check out our documentation:   Drive Health […]

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v0.9.68 – Changelog

[June 13, 2018] We’ve released version 0.9.68 which includes the following changes: Our Affiliate Program will now reward free extra monitors to both the affiliate and the referred user, in addition to the already existing 10% recurring commission. This way, you get benefits even from your referrals that choose not to upgrade to any of our paid […]

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