If you’d like to enable Topics in your Telegram Group, follow the simple steps below.
Start by opening your Telegram and go to the Group where you’ll want to have Topics. Click on the three vertical dots button located on the top-right side of the chat window, and then click on the “Edit” button from the drop-down menu:

Then, from the Group settings panel that opens up on the right side of the screen, locate the “Topics” section and click on the toggle button next to it to enable Topics for this Group:

Your Telegram Group now has Topics enabled, and you’re ready to create your first new Topic. To do this, click on the “CREATE NEW TOPIC” button on the left-side panel of your new-look chat window.

Just fill out the new topic’s name and click on the submit button located at the bottom-right side of the opened side panel:

You now have your first Topic in your Telegram Group: