Debugging the issues which caused your downtime

Our support is sometimes asked general questions such as, “why was my website down?”, “other uptime monitors that I use didn’t detect my website to be down. Why did HetrixTools alert me?”, “I just checked my site and it loaded up. Why did I get notified that it is down?”, and so on and so […]

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How to create a beautiful Uptime Status page

One of the most important things in the Web Hosting industry is transparency towards your clients. This is why having a public uptime status page would greatly improve your client relationships and boost your credibility as a provider. Allowing your clients to view the infrastructure uptime status and history, even on the bad days when you’ve […]

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The importance of ordering your monitors list

We’ll discuss here the importance of ordering your blacklist monitors in order to efficiently use our platform and have an optimized work flow, but the same principles can be applied to your uptime monitors as well. Let’s say you are monitoring a big number of IPs. You’ll want want to sort through them as fast and as […]

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Delisting your blacklisted IPs

We noticed that some of our users are doing this all wrong, so we thought it’d be a good thing to write a short guide on best practices when delisting your blacklisted IPs. First and most important, when you get alerted that one or more of your IPs got blacklisted, don’t jump straight away to […]

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Blacklist Check vs. Blacklist Monitor

Blacklist Check is a quick way to find out if one of your IPs is blacklisted and where it’s blacklisted, but it’s not as accurate as our Blacklist Monitor. Why is that? Well, for one, when you’re checking your IP via Blacklist Check, one or more RBLs may be unresponsive/offline, in which case you won’t see […]

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Search and Labels

We’re going to talk here about Search and Labels for Blacklist Monitors, but the exact same thing can be applied to your Uptime Monitors. Labeling your IPs is extremely important, especially if you have to manage thousands or tens of thousands of IPs. You can add several keywords in one Label, for instance: ClientA ServerA LA […]

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Filter Based On RBL

Before we begin talking about how to best use this feature, you should look into how this feature works: This feature works on Bulk Reports and in your Blacklist Monitors list from your client area. The best practice here is that when you’ve cleaned several IPs (or even blocks) that are listed on multiple RBLs, […]

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Hiring Freelancers For Delisting

When it comes to delisting your IPs, it sure is a lot of work, especially if you have thousands or tens of thousands of IPs that need checking and delisting. We’ve found that the best practice here would be to divide these IPs into smaller blocks, and create Bulk Reports for each smaller block. You […]

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Uptime Monitoring For Display

If you wish to display your Uptime Status to your clients, we’ve found that the best practice is as follows: monitor service port 80 (or any other open port if your server does not use 80) PING monitoring should be a sort of last resort, as some firewalls may block the amount of incoming requests. […]

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