If you wish to display your Uptime Status to your clients, we’ve found that the best practice is as follows:

  • monitor service port 80 (or any other open port if your server does not use 80)
  • PING monitoring should be a sort of last resort, as some firewalls may block the amount of incoming requests. For more info, read this article: http://docs.hetrixtools.com/avoid-ping-false-positives/
  • start and end maintenance mode from your Uptime Monitors list when your servers are undergoing any maintenance, because the downtime caused when the monitor is under maintenance is taken into account separately from your unscheduled downtime
  • create bulk reports that include the desired Uptime Monitors. This way you’ll only need one link for your Uptime Status, not multiple, and the Bulk Reports will neatly organize and display your Uptime Monitors
  • if possible, use the White Label system, as it’ll give a boost of professionalism to your Uptime Reports
  • if you do use the White Label system, be sure to fully customize your Uptime Reports in order to match your website design
  • add an Uptime Status link to your website, where your clients can easily see your status