We’ll discuss here the importance of ordering your blacklist monitors in order to efficiently use our platform and have an optimized work flow, but the same principles can be applied to your uptime monitors as well.

Let’s say you are monitoring a big number of IPs. You’ll want want to sort through them as fast and as efficiently as possible.

By default, your blacklist monitors list is sorted by the “Report” column.


Notice the sorting icon next to the “Report” column.

This means that your blacklist monitors are sorted based on which monitor is blacklisted on the most RBLs, descending. In plain terms, the monitors blacklisted on most RBLs are on top.

This sorting order will give you an instant clear overview of your monitors status. You can clearly see the most blacklisted IPs.

The second factor ordering these monitors will be alphabetical/numerical order, so if two or more IPs are blacklisted on the same amount of RBLs, this will be the sorting factor.

Let’s say you’ve just added a few more IPs to be monitored, but you’re not seeing the new IPs you’ve just added anywhere on the first page of your blacklist monitors. In this case you can click the “Added On” column, so your monitors list will be sorted by the most recently added monitors.


Now you can easily see the most recently added monitors.

If you just want to go through your IP blocks and ranges in an IP numerical order, you should click the “IP Address” column header.


This will neatly organize all of your monitors in ascending alphabetical/numerical order.

The “Last Check” column header will sort your blacklist monitors based on which has been checked most recently.

The “Status” column header will sort your blacklist monitors based on their current status, Active monitors first, while Disabled monitors being last.

Using these ordering options can greatly improve your work flow, so you won’t have to scroll through countless pages to find exactly what you’re looking for.