Blacklist Check Credits (also known as API Checks) are used for API Blacklist Check calls.

You can read up how these API Calls work in the following documentation article:

As explained in the article linked above, these API Calls will initiate a blacklist check on any IP address, on demand, then the results are cached for X minutes (based on your preferences).

One credit is used whenever the Blacklist Check API Call doesn’t hit any cached results, meaning it will trigger a real-time blacklist check.

No credits are used when the API Call fetches cached results, instead just a normal API Call will be used from your max monthly API Calls limit (which varies based on your package).

Each of our Blacklist Monitoring packages comes with a number of monthly Blacklist Check Credits. These credits are replenished on the 1st of every month and are not transferable to the following month, which means that the unused credits are lost at the end of each month.

If the monthly credits included in your package are not enough for your needs, you can always order extra Blacklist Check Credits from your Account Settings under the API tab. These extra credits will never expire and are always consumed after your package credits have been depleted.

Easily access your Blacklist Check Credits statistics or place an order for more credits from your ‘API Keys’ page:

You can see here the exact number of monthly credits you’ve got left from your blacklist monitoring package, how many extra credits you currently have and, of course, the total number of credits that you currently have at your disposal.

What’s the price for buying extra credits?

The baseline price is $6 for 1000 extra credits. Depending on which blacklist monitoring package you are on, you can get up to 35% discount for the credit purchases (discounts are displayed on our pricing page for each package).