[3 March 2025] We’re happy to announce the introduction of Phone Call Notifications. You can now receive our platform’s notifications via Phone Call. Phone call notifications will use our already existing SMS Credits system: one call notification will consume one SMS credit. To learn how to configure this in your Contact Lists, please see the […]
Category: 16 Announcements
16.01 Incidents(56)
16.02 Network Changes(14)
Windows Server Monitoring Agent v2
[30 Oct 2024] We’re thrilled to announce the much-awaited v2 of our Windows Monitoring Agent:https://github.com/hetrixtools/agent-windows You can install this version right now on your Windows server or computer, as shown in the following guide:https://docs.hetrixtools.com/installing-the-windows-server-monitoring-agent/ This is a big stepping stone from the v1 Windows Monitoring Agent, which had been stuck in pre-alpha since its inception. […]
Linux Server Monitoring Agent v2
[26 Sept 2023] Today, we’re very excited to launch version 2.0 of our Linux Server Monitoring Agent: https://github.com/hetrixtools/agent/tree/master This new version has many improvements compared to our agent’s previous (v1) version, and we’ll go through some of the more noticeable changes below. Server Info This section’s layout has been slightly redesigned to make room for […]
Relocating our Moscow monitoring location
[February 28, 2022] This announcement will also be emailed to all of the affected users. Given the recent events, we have decided to relocate this monitoring location to Warsaw, Poland, effective March 10, 2022. If you’re using our API or our Webhooks, please note the following changes:https://docs.hetrixtools.com/moscow-relocation-api-webhook-changes/ If you have not whitelisted our Uptime Monitoring […]
Moscow Relocation API/Webhook Changes
[February 28, 2022] The changes below will take effect on March 10, 2022. These changes only affect you if you’re using our Uptime Monitoring API or Uptime Monitoring Webhooks. 1). Add/Edit Uptime Monitor API: The msw variable name will be replaced with waw The change is backwards compatible, meaning that if our system will still […]
Schedule Recurring Maintenance
[June 15, 2021] We’re introducing the ability to set your scheduled maintenance windows as recurring. This will allow you to schedule a maintenance window once, and have it repeat every X hours, days, weeks, months, or years, as needed to fit your needs. It will come in handy for the users that perform maintenances on […]
Multiple White Label Domains
[May 12, 2021] You can now add multiple White Label Domains to your account, each having their own White Label configuration (i.e.: theme, colors, logo, favicon, website link, etc), as explained here:https://docs.hetrixtools.com/add-a-white-label-domain-name/ This would allow one account to have multiple Status Pages for different purposes, on different domains/subdomains. Along with this change, we’ve also redesigned […]
Introducing the “Global Status” section in our Uptime Reports
[April 14, 2021] Start by accessing any of your Uptime Reports, as described here:https://docs.hetrixtools.com/how-do-i-access-my-uptime-reports/ On your Uptime Reports, you’ll be able to find the new “Global Status” section, towards the top of the page: This section will contain real-time data regarding your monitored target, collected from each of the monitored locations that you have selected […]
Changes to SMART test warnings and Group Actions
[January 24, 2021] The SMART test warnings are part of our Drive Health Monitor, and they would let you know if the SMART test performed on your server is failing for one or more drives. These SMART test warnings used to be enabled if you had enabled either of the “Drive Error Warnings” or “Drive […]
[January 19, 2021] This is an informative note regarding the “UCEPROTECT-Level3” blacklist. This particular blacklist, as per the description on their own website, should not be used lightly to block traffic, as this RBL blacklists entire ASN or even entire hosting providers, and by using this RBL you are surely going to block legitimate traffic […]