Linux Server Monitoring Agent v2

[26 Sept 2023] Today, we’re very excited to launch version 2.0 of our Linux Server Monitoring Agent: This new version has many improvements compared to our agent’s previous (v1) version, and we’ll go through some of the more noticeable changes below. Server Info This section’s layout has been slightly redesigned to make room for […]

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Changes to SMART test warnings and Group Actions

[January 24, 2021] The SMART test warnings are part of our Drive Health Monitor, and they would let you know if the SMART test performed on your server is failing for one or more drives. These SMART test warnings used to be enabled if you had enabled either of the “Drive Error Warnings” or “Drive […]

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New Server Monitoring Agent Released [v1.05]

[September 8, 2017] We’re very excited to release the new version [v1.05] of our Server Monitoring Agent. This new version collects more data for you to have in your dashboard and in your uptime reports. The agent code is open source and available for inspection on GitHub: Here are the new features in the v1.05 […]

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Change the Server Resource Usage Warnings for multiple Uptime Monitors at once

Before getting started, please note that in order to get Server Resource Usage Warnings, you must first install our Server Monitoring Agent on your server. For more info on how to do this, please see the following articles: Once you’ve got the monitoring agent installed on several of your Uptime Monitors, you can […]

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