On the Blacklist Monitors and Uptime Monitors workspace pages in your dashboard you will notice a button on the top right corner of your screen: You can use this button to maximize your workspace on the current page: Thus removing any non essential page elements out of your way, and spreading the workspace table all […]
Category: 04 Uptime Monitor
How to whitelist our Uptime Monitoring Nodes in CSF
Please note that it’s not necessarily needed to whitelist our uptime monitoring IPs in your firewall. This should only be done if you are experiencing monitoring issues without whitelisting these IPs. However, if you do wish to whitelist these IPs in your CSF, start by running the following command on your server’s ssh: wget -q […]
Location Fail Log
The Location Fail Log contains the exact errors our monitoring locations encountered when trying to access your monitored target. The entries here are logged at the exact moment when/if any of our locations encounter an issue trying to verify if your monitored target is Online. The errors in the Location Fail Log can provide all […]
Difference between Location Fail Log and Network Diagnostics
Both of these are diagnostics that will help you investigate and debug the issues that were causing your monitored target to be offline, but there’s a big difference in how our system collects the data for these two logs. In short, the Location Fail Log is collecting data the exact moment a monitoring location finds […]
Select multiple monitors at once with SHIFT+Click
Our Blacklist Monitoring and Uptime Monitoring interfaces have Group Actions available. In short, the “Group Actions” feature allows you to select multiple monitors and apply an action to them all at once, as opposed to applying that action individually for each monitor. And with SHIFT+Click you can now select a range of monitors to apply […]
Autocomplete Search
This feature will help you find the monitors that you’re looking for much faster, by automatically completing your search queries based on your monitors’ labels, categories, and based on your previous search terms. The autocomplete is currently implemented on your Blacklist Monitoring dashboard (https://hetrixtools.com/dashboard/blacklist-monitors/) and on your Uptime Monitoring Dashboard (https://hetrixtools.com/dashboard/uptime-monitors/). Here’s how it works. […]
Change the SSL/Domain Expiration & Nameservers Change Warnings for multiple Uptime Monitors at once
Here’s the easy way of changing the warnings for multiple Uptime Monitors at once, for when the SSL or Domain is expiring or for when a Nameservers change is detected. You can find all of these 3 features explained in our documentation here: SSL Expiration Monitoring Domain Expiration Monitoring Nameservers Change Monitoring This article will […]
Location Fails Warning
A simple way of explaining how our Uptime Monitoring system works, is that it will consider any of your Uptime Monitors as being Offline if at least half+1 of the monitoring locations will fail to see your monitored target as being Online. So if you monitor a website from, say, 12 locations, that means at […]
Add private notes to your Uptime Monitors
Adding private notes to your Uptime Monitors may help you better organize and keep track of all the websites/servers that you’re monitoring. To get started, head to the Uptime Monitors page on your dashboard. And click the monitor name that you wish to add private notes to. Then, locate the private notes on the top […]
Add extra monitors to your order
If you need more monitors than what your plan has included, you can always purchase these extra monitors from your dashboard. Start by going to your client area dashboard from the top menu: Now locate “Your Products” section and click on the product that you wish to add the extra monitors to: If your package […]