Search Blacklist Monitors

As your blacklist monitors list grows, you’ll probably want to be able to find the exact IP or Label you’re looking for without too much effort. This is why we’ve made searching as simple as possible. You can search by an exact IP address. You can also search for part of an IP address to […]

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Filter Based On RBLs

You can filter your Blacklist Monitors to show only the ones listed on certain RBLs. Begin by selecting one or more RBLs from the drop-down list on your Blacklist Monitors page. You’ll notice that as soon as you make the selection, your monitors list will only display those monitors which are listed on that RBL. […]

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Initiate Manual Blacklist Check

Initiating a manual blacklist check will immediately start processing all of your blacklist monitors. Start by clicking the cogwheel button, and selecting the “Initiate On-Demand Check” link from the drop-down menu. You will also be able to see there, at a quick glance, your remaining manual checks for the current week. Once clicked, if you have […]

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Blacklist Monitor Report

Accessing the blacklist monitor report for any of your IPs is done from the report link, next to your IP address in your blacklist monitors list. The report page itself is quite simple and easy to understand. You have a history graph, showing on how many blacklists your IP has been in the past. Worth […]

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Blacklist Monitor Color Indicators

Color indicators can help you instantly spot the most recent changes within your Blacklist Monitors, so you can see at a glance which of your IPs or Domains have recently been blacklisted or delisted. The “Report” cell next to each of your monitors can get colored green or red. Green – means that the monitor […]

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Filter Monitors Based on Recent Changes

You can view only those monitors which have recently suffered changes (ie: got blacklisted or delisted), by using the ‘Filter’ option in your Blacklist Monitors dashboard: This way you can see at a glance the monitors that have been blacklisted or delisted within the last X hours/days (based on your selection from the drop-down menu). […]

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Notice Report Changes

To make it easier for daily changes to be noticed in the Blacklist Monitor Reports, the RBL list row background color may appear as: White background – means no changes occurred for those RBLs since the previous day. Green background – means the IP was listed on that RBL on the day before, but it’s […]

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Ignore A Blacklist

Considering the number of IPs our clients monitor, we have designed the RBL Ignore system to be account wide, meaning that if you choose to ignore a blacklist, then that blacklist will be ignored for your entire account and all of your monitored IPs. You can ignore an RBL by simply going to any of […]

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Change Blacklist Monitor Label

There are two ways you can change Blacklist Monitor labels: 1. Individually, from the list of Blacklist Monitors. Just click the small Label icon next to the Blacklist Monitor you wish to add or edit the label of. 2. Using group actions. Select multiple Blacklist Monitors and then from the Group Action drop-down menu select “Change […]

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Queue Priority

When multiple IPs need to be checked at the same time, the Queue Priority dictates which IPs get to be processed first into the Shared Queue. This can sometimes delay the frequency at which your IPs get checked if you’re on a lower priority package. Each of our Blacklist Monitoring packages have a different Queue […]

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