[May 30, 2016]

This has been a requested feature for some time now, and we finally got to implement it.

Starting right now you will receive Weekly and Monthly reports regarding your Uptime Monitors.

These reports will be sent directly to your account’s email address, not to the contact lists assigned for each Uptime Monitor.

The reports will contain a summary of the previous week or month, including how many outages each of your Uptime Monitors have suffered, along with the total weekly/monthly uptime percentage, and the total number of downtime minutes. Please note that the uptime percentage and the downtime minutes in these email reports contain both the maintenance and non-maintenance outages that your Uptime Monitors have suffered.

You can, of course, opt out of receiving these reports, from your Account Settings, under the Uptime Monitor tab:

If you experience any issues with this new feature, be sure to open a support ticket and let us know about it.