[September 8, 2017] We’re very excited to release the new version [v1.05] of our Server Monitoring Agent. This new version collects more data for you to have in your dashboard and in your uptime reports. The agent code is open source and available for inspection on GitHub: https://github.com/hetrixtools/agent Here are the new features in the v1.05 […]
Articles Tagged: server usage monitor
v0.9.55 – Changelog
[May 21, 2017] We’re excited to announce this new version release, which contains quite a lot of new features. v0.9.55 – Changelog: Account Credit – used to manually and automatically pay your invoices (view documentation). Block View – a simple way of viewing your IPv4 Blacklist Monitors, neatly grouped up in /24 blocks (view documentation). Further blacklisting […]
v0.9.49 – Server Monitoring
[January 3, 2017] In version 0.9.49 we’re introducing Server Monitoring, which is a new feature part of our Uptime Monitoring service. By using our lightweight server agent you will be able to collect real time resource usage from your VPS or dedicated servers, configure alerts if any resource usage is too high, and even display […]
Attach a Server Monitor to any of your Uptime Monitors
If you wish to monitor your server’s resource usage, using our Server Monitor Agent, you don’t necessarily have to add a ‘Server Agent Monitor‘ to your account as a separate Uptime Monitor, you can just attach the Server Monitor Agent to any of your existing Uptime Monitors, as explained below. Start by going to your […]
Add a Server Agent Monitor (Heartbeat Monitor)
The Server Agent Monitor is a particular type of Uptime Monitoring, as our monitoring locations will not ping your target, but instead, your target will ping our platform in order to let it know it is online. This Uptime Monitor type uses our Server Monitoring Agent to send data to our platform every minute. In […]
Server Monitoring Resource Usage Webhook Notifications
In order to receive Server Monitoring Resource Usage webhook notifications, you will need to have the following: Once you’ve got all of that configured, whenever you receive Resource Usage alerts, your Webhook URL will receive JSON format data, as well. General payload parameters: monitor_id – your monitor’s unique ID (can be found in the link […]