v0.9.62 – Changelog

[February 11, 2018] We’ve implemented the following changes in version 0.9.62: PHP Server Monitoring Agent – allowing yout o monitor your servers’ resource usage even if you are on shared web hosting and do not have root access to the server. To find out how to get started, please see our installation guide. Shell Server Monitoring Agent install […]

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Install the PHP version of the Server Monitoring Agent (on DirectAdmin)

In this guide we’ll describe how to install our PHP Server Monitoring Agent on your shared hosting environment that’s running on the DirectAdmin control panel. Step 1: Download the “hetrixtools_agent.php” file from GitHub and save it on your local computer. (a)Right-click on the link below, then select “Save Link As…”:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hetrixtools/agent-php/master/hetrixtools_agent.php Step 2: Upload the “hetrixtools_agent.php” […]

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Misconfigured Network Interface Name (PHP Agent)

Unlike our regular shell agent, our PHP Server Monitoring Agent cannot automatically detect your server’s network interface name, so this name is set to empty by default. This setting being empty means that the agent will track the network usage data from all available network interfaces. However, if you wish to set just one specific […]

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Install the PHP version of the Server Monitoring Agent (on cPanel)

If you wish to monitor your server’s resources, but you do not have root access (i.e.: you’re on a shared web hosting plan), you can just use our PHP Server Monitoring Agent. The installation procedure is a bit more complex than our regular monitoring agent, but this guide will show you exactly what you’ve got […]

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Server Monitor Agent Requirements & Compatibility

We wanted our Server Monitor Agent to be as light as as possible, with a very tiny footprint on the server resource usage. It is fully coded in bash language, and it requires no additional software to be installed for it to function. The following operating systems are compatible and can run the HetrixTools Server […]

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