Similar errors

  • Error 28: Operation timed out after X milliseconds with Y bytes received
  • Error 110: Connection timed out (Xms)
  • HTTP Code [3xx] Error 28: Operation timed out after X milliseconds with Y bytes received (Xms)


These errors can appear in your Location Fail Log when the monitored target fails to respond within the configured timeout time frame. For example: if your website uptime monitor has a configured timeout of 10 seconds, a timeout error happens if your website fails to load within 10 seconds.

These errors are most commonly encountered when monitoring websites, which is why the example above was chosen for a website. However, these errors can also be encountered when monitoring a port, for example, if the application running on said port takes too long (more than the configured timeout) to connect.

If the error also contains a HTTP 3xx code then the timeout was recorded after following a redirect. For example, you are monitoring a website that redirects to another page/site, and the page timed out after our system followed that redirect.

These errors can also be caused by network-related issues. For example, if your server is experiencing heavy packet loss. You can easily figure out if it’s a network-related issue by looking at your Network Diagnostics, which contain PING and MTR samples captured during the detected outage for your uptime monitor.


It is recommended to look into why your website or application takes so long to load or respond to connections. For example, a website can take too long to load up because of certain parts of its code that hang or take too long to process or because of some database queries that are not optimized properly. Debugging such issues is no easy task, which is why it is recommended to discuss this problem with your system administrator or programmer, who should have the tools to debug possible issues.

If it’s a network-related issue, you should bring this up with your network administrator or upstream provider.
