[May 8, 2018]

If you have not whitelisted our Uptime Monitoring IPs in your firewall, then no further action is needed on your part, and you can safely ignore the rest of this announcement.

However, if you did whitelist our IPs in your firewall, then please make the necessary adjustments.

The following changes will take effect starting with May 10 2018 (EST), but you can make the adjustments to your firewall at any point until then.

Node added:

  • Frankfurt:

Up to date list of our monitoring IPs
Up to date list of our monitoring IPs (plain text)
[Guide] How to whitelist our IPs in CSF

Please note that it’s not necessarily needed to whitelist our monitoring IPs in your firewall, this should only be done if you are experiencing monitoring issues without whitelisting these IPs.

For further support you can always open a ticket on our website.
