Webhook Authentication Token

Here’s how to configure and use the authentication token that you may optionally configure along with our notification webhooks. The webhook authentication token is configured in the same place where you configure the webhook notification URL in your Contact Lists. This token will be sent in the Authorization header along with every webhook payload, in […]

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Changes in our Uptime Webhook Notifications

[July 2, 2017] We’re slightly modifying the way our Uptime Webhook notifications work, please make the proper adjustments to your Webhook script. You can find the new Webhook documentation here:https://docs.hetrixtools.com/uptime-monitoring-webhook-notifications/ The changes you’d need to make to your Webhook script are very minimal. If this is how your current capture method looks like: <?php$monitor_id = […]

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v0.9.39 – WebHook Notifications

[July 13, 2016] In this version, we’re introducing webhook notifications for our Uptime Monitoring service. The documentation can be found here:https://docs.hetrixtools.com/webhook-notifications/ If you need any assistance setting up this notification type, be sure to reach out to our support department.

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Server Monitoring Resource Usage Webhook Notifications

In order to receive Server Monitoring Resource Usage webhook notifications, you will need to have the following: An Uptime Monitor which has a contact list with Webhooks enabled:– http://docs.hetrixtools.com/uptime-monitoring-webhook-notifications/ Attach a Server Monitor to this Uptime Monitor, and install the Server Agent on your VPS or Dedicated Server:– https://docs.hetrixtools.com/install-the-hetrixtools-server-monitor-agent/ Configure resource usage warnings for this Server […]

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Blacklist Monitoring Webhook Notifications

With Blacklist Monitoring webhook notifications, you can receive JSON data posted to your webhook URL when changes are detected in your Blacklist Monitors. Assign your webhook URL to any of your Contact Lists, as shown below: (Please note that as of right now, the “Send test notification” button will only send out an Uptime Monitoring […]

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Uptime Monitoring Webhook Notifications

Assign a webhook URL to any of your contact lists so that you can receive Uptime Monitoring notifications in real-time, directly to your platform. Our system will post JSON data to your Webhook script. Here’s an example: { “monitor_id”:”ThisWillBeTheMonitorID32CharLong”, “monitor_name”:”Test Monitor Label”, “monitor_target”:”http:\/\/this-is-a-test.com\/”, “monitor_type”:”website”, “monitor_category”:”Test Category”, “monitor_status”:”offline”,   “timestamp”:1499666192, “monitor_errors”:{ “New York”:”http code 403″, “San […]

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