v0.9.23 Beta – SSL Monitoring / Show Monitored Target In Uptime Reports

[February 20, 2016] In version 0.9.23 we’re introducing the following new features: SSL Monitoring – you can now be alerted if your website’s SSL isn’t valid/authentic anymore, or if SSL host doesn’t match, read full documentation here: http://docs.hetrixtools.com/ssl-monitoring/ Show Monitored Target In Uptime Reports – choose whether or not to show the monitored website link, ip […]

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v0.9.22 Beta – Repeated Alerts

[February 20, 2016] You can now receive multiple alerts when your uptime monitors are offline, with our Repeated Alerts system. Read how you can configure it here: https://docs.hetrixtools.com/repeated-alerts/ If you experience any issues or glitches, be sure to open a support ticket and let us know about it.

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v0.9.18 Beta – Edit Label / Group Set Label / Group Change Contact List

[January 22, 2016] We’re introducing some features which have been requested by several of our users in order to make their workflow easier and more efficient. Edit Label – allows you to quickly add/edit/delete labels right from your blacklist monitors table Group Set Label – allows you to select multiple blacklist monitors and modify their label all […]

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v0.9.9 Beta – Bulk Reports

[December 22, 2015] In version 0.9.9 Beta we’re introducing a much requested feature: Bulk Reports You can access it here, in your client area: https://hetrixtools.com/dashboard/bulk-reports/ What this feature does is basically allow you to bundle up several of your Uptime or Blacklist monitors into one single report, called a Bulk Report. The Bulk Report will be […]

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v0.9.13 Beta – Ping Monitoring & Company Info

[December 22, 2015] In version 0.9.13 we’re introducing a much requested feature: the ability to Ping a host or IP address in your Uptime Monitors. Please read this to avoid PING false positives: http://docs.hetrixtools.com/avoid-ping-false-positives/ You can also convert any Service Uptime Monitor into a Ping Uptime Monitor by editing it and removing the Port Number. (this […]

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v0.9.8r1 Beta

[November 1, 2015] Revision 1 on patch 0.9.8 fixes an issue where sometime when adding an uptime monitor the tracking would start with 1-2 minutes of downtime. This issue had a very low occurrence rate and should now be completely fixed.

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v0.9.6 Beta – Uptime Monitoring

[September 3, 2015] We’re pleased to introduce Uptime Monitoring in version 0.9.6 Beta! You can see the product presentation page here: https://hetrixtools.com/uptime-monitor.html It’s now extremely easy to monitor your website or service uptime and know exactly when it goes offline, so you can take immediate action in order to minimize the downtime duration. Like always, be […]

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Advanced Metrics For Website Uptime Monitors

This feature is included for free in our Uptime Monitor service. The advanced metrics can be found on your Uptime Reports for your Website Uptime Monitors. They are collected every minute from each of the locations that you are monitoring your website from. You can view the overall metrics, pooled together from all of the […]

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How to enable SSL Verification for your Uptime Monitor

Start by going to your Uptime Monitors dashboard from your client area top side menu: Locate the Uptime Monitor you wish to edit the setting for, and click on the ‘Edit’ button: In the Uptime Monitor’s settings, locate the ‘show advanced settings’ button towards the bottom, and click on it to expand the advanced settings: […]

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