Linux Server Monitoring Agent v2

[26 Sept 2023] Today, we’re very excited to launch version 2.0 of our Linux Server Monitoring Agent: This new version has many improvements compared to our agent’s previous (v1) version, and we’ll go through some of the more noticeable changes below. Server Info This section’s layout has been slightly redesigned to make room for […]

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API – Add Server Agent Uptime Monitor (Heartbeat Uptime Monitor)

API Call Name: v2 Add Uptime Monitor API Call:<API_TOKEN>/uptime/add/ Create a POST request to the API link with a JSON payload built as instructed below. Type – Monitor Type 9 for Server Agent Monitor. Name – Monitor Name. Accepted: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, spaces, dots, dashes. Timeout – Time, in seconds, after which the Uptime Monitor […]

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v0.9.77 – Server Agent Monitor

[August 26, 2019] In version 0.9.77 we’re introducing a new type of Uptime Monitor which will use reverse monitoring in order to keep track of your server’s uptime. Here’s how it works: Instead of our monitoring locations pinging your server to determine its online status, this Uptime Monitor will use our Server Monitoring Agent (installed on your […]

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Attach a Server Monitor to any of your Uptime Monitors

If you wish to monitor your server’s resource usage, using our Server Monitor Agent, you don’t necessarily have to add a ‘Server Agent Monitor‘ to your account as a separate Uptime Monitor, you can just attach the Server Monitor Agent to any of your existing Uptime Monitors, as explained below. Start by going to your […]

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Add a Server Agent Monitor (Heartbeat Monitor)

The Server Agent Monitor is a particular type of Uptime Monitoring, as our monitoring locations will not ping your target, but instead, your target will ping our platform in order to let it know it is online. This Uptime Monitor type uses our Server Monitoring Agent to send data to our platform every minute. In […]

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