[October 6, 2018]

On 6 Oct 2018, an error on our system has caused some clean domains to appear as being listed on the PhishTank blacklist (false positives). We have quickly identified and fixed the issue.

If your domain is wrongfully shown as blacklisted by PhishTank, on our platform, it will be cleared during the next automatic checkup of your monitors, and you can safely ignore any Phishtank listing notifications sent out by our platform.

How can you tell if it’s a false positive?

If your domain got listed on PhishTank by our platform within the last 24 hours, it is most likely a false positive, but to confirm 100% you can follow up the delisting link from your blacklist report to the PhishTank website, and if the listed domain on the PhishTank website doesn’t match with your own domain name then it is surely a false positive.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our support.