If you are using our Software RAID Monitoring, then you have probably already noticed that you can configure two different types of warnings under this section:

You can select to be warned when RAID health is not ideal or when the RAID health is critical.

In this article, we’ll go through what each of these warnings means.

RAID health is not ideal

This warning will include cases such as when the RAID is performing recover or resync. In these cases, the health of the RAID is most likely healthy; however, the healthy status cannot be currently confirmed because your system is resyncing the RAID drives with the resync status or rebuilding/recovering the RAID with the recover status. Either one of these statuses can have a faulty outcome, so the RAID status is currently ‘not ideal’.

We’ve included this under the ‘not ideal’ health because under such conditions, the healthy status cannot be 100% confirmed. Furthermore, when such actions (as described above) are performed on the RAID disks, your server may even experience slower-than-usual performance.

RAID health is critical

This is the warning level that you’d want if you wish to be warned only in extreme cases where the RAID setup is actually failing or has already failed.

In these cases, your RAID setup requires your immediate attention in order to solve the issues that it is presenting, in order to avoid any possible data loss.