[January 16, 2025] This RBL has been discontinued by its administrators, so we have now removed it from our system. If your IPs or domains are currently blacklisted on this RBL, you will receive a delisting notification after the next automatic checkup of your monitors.
Category: 16.01 Incidents
dnsbl.dronebl.org – Down | Update: Recovered
[July 12, 2024] This blacklist has now recovered after suffering an unexpected outage. You can read more about this issue in their announcement blog post:https://www.dronebl.org/blog/42 We’ve now re-added this RBL to our Blacklist Monitoring system. [July 8th, 2024] This blacklist has become unresponsive, and their website is completely down. We’ve currently removed it from our […]
rbl.abuse.ro & uribl.abuse.ro – False Positives & Disabled | Update: Recovered
[July 12, 2024] This RBL has recovered its functionality, and we’ve now re-enabled it in our Blacklist Monitoring system. [June 25, 2024] This RBL has started issuing false positives. We have temporarily disabled it until the issue is fixed on their end. Looking at the RBL’s domain, it seems that ICANN has suspended it for […]
SORBS – Shut Down
[Update: June 10, 2024] We’ve now removed the SORBS RBLs from our system. If your IPs and domains were blacklisted on these RBLs, you will receive a delisting notification after the next automatic checkup of your monitors. [Update: June 8, 2024] We’ve been made aware that the reason for the June 6 incident was the […]
bl.score.senderscore.com False Positives
[June 2, 2024] On June 2, 2024, at 06:55 AM (UTC), our system noticed false positive results starting to come in from this RBL. We immediately started investigating the issue, and a fix was implemented by 07:20 AM (UTC). During this time, a small number of IPs have been marked as being blacklisted on this […]
bl.blocklist.de – Unresponsive
[November 29, 2023] This RBL has been unresponsive for a few days now. We’ve temporarily removed it from our system until it recovers. If any of your monitors are blacklisted on this RBL, they will appear as delisted within the next 24 hours. We’ll keep an eye on the situation as it progresses.
db.wpbl.info – Shutting Down
[November 7, 2023] This RBL has announced that it will soon be shutting down and no longer contains any blacklistings. It has now been removed from our system. Please find their announcement in the screen capture below:
blockedservers.com – Unresponsive & Removed
[Update1: January 15, 2023] The RBLs appear to be back online and fully functional; we’ve re-enabled them on our system. [January 13, 2023] The following RBLs from blockedservers.com have become unresponsive, and we’ve temporarily removed them from our system: We’ll re-enable these RBLs when they become responsive again.
Delayed Notifications
[September 22, 2022] Today, from 13:35 (UTC) to 14:55 (UTC), part of our monitoring notifications and transactional emails have been delivered with a delay, while a very small number of notifications (non-emails) failed to deliver completely. Our technicians have found the issue to be with the system that handles the notifications queue; it had become […]
bl.konstant.no – Unresponsive & Removed
[July 29, 2022] This RBL has become unresponsive, and we’ve removed it from our system until it returns to functioning normally again. If any of your blacklist monitors are blacklisted on this RBL, they will be marked as delisted during the next automatic check.