[November 19, 2015 – UPDATE]

We’ve decided to remove these 2 RBLs from our checkups, as a result of too many false alarms given out by them.

[November 14, 2015]

We’ve noticed these 2 RBLs issuing mixed responses to the DNS queries used to check the IP blacklist status.

We’re unsure if this is a temporary or permanent issue on their side just yet, but we’ve modified our system to pay special attention to these RBLs for the time being and to make sure the result given by them is correct.

Considering they do not have a status check on their website it’s unclear to us if these responses are good or bad.

Despite the fact that 90% of their website is formed of dead links, we haven’t removed these 2 RBLs from our blacklists database (yet). But we’d say that you are pretty safe to choose to ignore these RBLs from your account.

( see this article on how to ignore a RBL: https://docs.hetrixtools.com/ignore-a-blacklist/ )

Considering the above, we’re not excluding the possibility that some of our clients may have received false positive alerts for these RBLs, but then again without a way to actually verify the blacklist status on their website is hard to say or quantify this.

All in all, if these RBLs keep bothering you with notifications, it’s safe to say that you can add them to your ignore list.